One of the best ways to stay updated on the spectacular events in the lives of your Wesleyan sisters is through Class Notes. It’s a fun and easy way to keep up, keep in touch, and share life’s moments. We encourage you to send your news and Update your information. Another way to stay informed about happenings at Wesleyan, her alumnae, and her current students is to follow the College on social media (alumnae facebook, Instagram), read your alumnae magazine, WESmag, and subscribe to the Campus News blog.
Myra Jane Holman Bird ’50 writes, “I recently sold my house of 56 years and moved to a very nice assisted living facility. My daughter lives in New York. My two sons and two of my five step-children live nearby. I won the prize for grandparents’ day for having the most grandchildren with 33 at last count!”
1957 Wesleynnes from the earliest class to attend the Annual Meeting were honored with special gifts from the Wesleyan College Alumnae Association.
“Alumnae Weekend at my beloved Wesleyan was, was dare I say PERFECT? As it always is! Thank you, each of you, for all you did – especially for the Class of 1957 – all THREE of us! (You spoiled us and made us feel like royalty. We loved every minute of that!) With sisterly love to each of you,” writes Nan McClellan Flowers.
“I have moved to Bedford, TX, to be closer to my children and grandchildren, plus three great- grandchildren! I am in a small house in a retirement community. This is in the Dallas and Fort Worth area,” says Nancy Cook Hollingsworth ’58.
Sarah Duncan Kinsey ’58 shares that “2020 & 2021 were difficult years. My husband was very ill and died on Dec. 29, 2021. We were married 63 1/2 wonderful years. The loss is so hard on our whole family, but loving friends have been a blessing to us. I love all the fond years at Wesleyan. Greetings to all friends.” (See Sympathy)
Carolyn Wade Barry ’59 writes, “I lost my sister, Marion Wade Mixon ’56 (Toot). She and her daughter Wade Mixon Putnal ’81 were both Wesleyan graduates.” (See Sympathy WESmag, Winter 2021)
According to Carol King Pope ’59, “2021 was a good year even with three surgeries, including a broken ankle and a right knee replacement. I look forward to a new year with no health issues. Still proud to be a Golden Heart.”
Mary Margaret Woodward McNeill ’60 writes, “Class: Green. Favorite memory at Wesleyan: English class with ‘Dr. Ginn.’ Thing learned during COVID: How to use Zoom and other electronic methods of communication.”
All of us in the Class of 1962 had a blast including our stay at the modern Avid Hotel, our traditional class party at Liz’s beautiful home, all the lovely events planned by Wesleyan, a visit to the bookstore, walking the gorgeous campus, and chatting on Zoom with Marybelle Proctor Menzel and Sara Neva Calhoun Savage.
Janella Sammons Brand ’62 shares, “My husband of 56 years passed away in May 2021. His name was A. Lee Brand.” (See Sympathy)
Charlotte Jolly Hale ’62 and her husband have been living in Roswell, GA, for the past six years at Brookdale, a retirement community. They have met many wonderful friends there and enjoy it very much. They also enjoy seeing old friends in metro-Atlanta and being closer to their son and his family. “We especially enjoy our only grandchild Declan Hale, who is almost 15! We attend Sandy Springs Christian Church - Disciples of Christ,” writes Charlotte.
Rhoda Morrison Joyner ’62 reports, “My husband and I are retired teachers from city schools of Decatur. Doug was a history teacher and I was early childhood. We recently moved into Clairmont Place, a senior community in Decatur, where several other Wesleyannes live - Julia Weathers Wynn ’49, Betty Mackay Asbury ’49 and Martha Bell Lewis ’60. I teach Suaroopa Yoga and am enjoying my new home.”
LaTrelle Blackburn Oliver ’62 received so many beautiful messages from her Wesleyan sisters when her husband, Hoyt, died on June 15, 2021. (See Sympathy, WESmag, Winter 2021)
Members of the Class of 1962 thank Liz Daves Ream ’62 for hosting their class party where a fun time was had by all!
During Alumnae Weekend, Carol Anne Rollins Harrison ’62 had fun reuniting with not only her Wesleyan sisters but also her Decatur High School friends, Liz Daves Ream ’62 and Rhoda Morrison Joyner ’62!
Margaret Craig Bryant ’63 writes, "I’m still a mentor for an Education for Ministry group at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Spirit in Cumming. I still substitute in the high school from which I retired, two or three days a week, and still swim 2000 yards a couple of days a week. I also have times of being totally lazy, especially when we make it to Florida! Nancy and I both have sweatshirts that say "Busy Doing Nothing." We missed two of our regular trips to Florida in late 2021, so we plan to spend a lot of February in Titusville and walking on the beach at the National Seashore. My sister Nancy and I also play Word Cookies every day. We started that when we sat long stretches in the hospital and nursing home with Larry before he died. Hospice nurses told us not to say anything controversial in his presence, but often someone would exclaim, ‘What do you mean that’s not a word?’”
Anne Valentin Hutcherson ’63 has retired officially but still serves as an Episcopal priest at St. Andrews in Kansas City during the winter months. From late spring thru late October, she lives and serves on the island of Islesboro in Maine.
Tommie Sue Montgomery ’63 writes, “David and I are well and have made it through two years without illness of any kind, which is a record for us and is undoubtedly thanks to a lot of hibernating and wearing masks everywhere we go! We did finally break out of our cocoon and spend Christmas week at Cayo Coco, Cuba, which was glorious. Cayo Coco is a large island off the north-central coast, about 550 km east of Havana. Our tour guide bragged that it is bigger than Barbados. We loved it so much we're planning to go back in March or April for my 80th birthday. It will be a substitute for a now cancelled r/t cruise from Vancouver to Hawaii; we made the reservation last fall and planned to sail with two other couples, but four of us have decided that COVID is not sufficiently under control on cruise ships. Meanwhile, I keep busy writing expert witness declarations on country conditions for Salvadorans and Guatemalans seeking asylum in the United States. It’s sometimes frustrating but more often rewarding. Every time an individual or family receives asylum, I feel like I’ve helped save a life or lives, as the conditions that they fled are truly horrific. And now back to a declaration whose deadline is looming."
Linda Maria Willson ’64 shares that “my five grandchildren have all grown up, when just yesterday it seemed that they were just darling babies. My older daughter, Jeanne, is a deacon at church. My younger daughter, Sharon, has a job that involves the medical field, language, and computers. The family has stayed COVID free for which we are all grateful.”
Classmates enjoyed being together for their Friday Golden Belles Luncheon and Friday night class party at the home of Glennda Kingry Elliott. Classmates commented that having the small shuttles on campus was very helpful - especially if we had to park far away!
Margaret Shoemaker Gordon ’65 says, “I am sorry the reunion could not be on my calendar this year. Jim and I had four overdue visits coming up with family in TN and GA, including meeting our first great grandsons!”
Janice Parks Mahoney ’65 enjoyed a phone call with three of her Wesleyan friends, Danna McCullers Bedell ’65, Barbara Chapman Kortemeier ’65, and Cathy Lade Crumley ’65. They have been friends since they all spent two years at Wesleyan. It’s been more than 50 years. Janice shares, “I now live in TX. What a change. We lived in SC for many years and it was hard to leave. Now we are living outside Austin. Our three adult children and their children live nearby.”
Joy Lewis Martin ’66 writes, “Class color: Purple. Favorite memory: Completing my senior organ recital. During COVID: I learned to teach piano lessons on FaceTime.”
Dona Vaughn Raines ’66 flew in from New York and was delighted to catch-up with classmate Nancy Rowland Rehberg ’66 at reunion. Currently Dona is the artistic director of Opera Maine and artistic director of Bel Canto in Tuscany. Dona has two WESLEYAN FIRSTS. She was the FIRST woman commencement speaker at Brevard College and the FIRST woman alumna speaker at Brevard College!
“Though I am not a published author (but am working on a book about my bakery experiences), I am a published composer. It was at Wesleyan that my fascination with composing first emerged. The "isolation time" provided by the Covid pandemic allowed me to complete a number of original compositions and arrangements for the online music publisher ScoreVivo, where many of them can be heard. Though I am not the first music major at Wesleyan, I am undoubtedly the first (and only?) FLUTE major. I am grateful that the music department was willing to locate a teacher and put together a study plan for me -- and especially grateful to Dr. Villard for helping me overcome my inordinate stage fright. Special thanks to all involved in our recent wonderful 55th Reunion experience!” writes Charlotte Babcock Ellis ’67.
Margaret Thompson Monahan ’67 reports, “Lots of changes, but that’s normal. We moved from Florida to Ohio to be close to Jim’s family (I don’t mind snow). So far he’s lost a sister, brother-in-law, cousin, and a cousin’s husband. And the funeral for the cousin was on reunion weekend. I missed seeing classmates, but you are always in my heart and prayers. Miss you all!”
Betty Hood Lydick ’69 writes, “Class color: Red. Favorite memory: STUNT senior year and Mrs. Beasley doll -character. What I learned during COVID: Zoom meeting.” Betty also enjoyed the December NC Triangle Alumnae Club’s Book Club meeting and Tea arranged by “The Duchess of Tea” Martha Johnson ’74 at the Fearrington House Inn. (See photo below)
Barbara Marble Tagg ’69 continues to serve on several committees for Chorus America, adjudicate choral festivals, and chair Florida ACDA Committee for SSAA/Women's Choirs. She is also active in Sigma Alpha Iota and continues as a board member of the Gregg Smith Singers.
Melissa Lane Thomas ’69 shares, “Red class. Favorite memory of Wesleyan was golf team??? (When we were all wearing trench coats and they made us take them off due to a new policy, and we weren't wearing much underneath!) What I learned during COVID: The importance of reaching out to friends and neighbors.”
“The PK 50th Reunion was even sweeter than we could have imagined. We were all so excited to finally be together! Our weekend was filled with memories as we were making memories that will be the most special of any reunion,” writes 1970 50th Reunion Co-Chair Susan Woodward Walker who also shared, “I felt so much appreciation for my classmates who nominated me and shared the excitement with me when I received the WCAA Service to Wesleyan Award during the Annual Meeting.”
What do you do to celebrate such a significant reunion?
Jan Bull Burgess ’70 had a wonderful time at reunion. “Our long-awaited 50th Reunion was so much fun! We laughed, shared memories, caught up and loved being together. We missed those who couldn’t come - but we will gather again in three years for our 55th reunion! My husband, Hugh, and I moved back to Columbia, SC, in February after eight years in Charleston. We are now nearer children and the grandchildren who are 15 and 11. We are attending their activities and loving it! Hope to see even more PKs in three years.” 💜💜
Did you know that Emily Chase Cook ’70 is an author? Her non-fiction book is entitled “The Windows of St. Paul’s.” Visitors to Macon can view the fabulous stained glass windows in her church, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, on historic College Street.
Susan M. Fink ’70 has a WESLEYAN FIRST as the first woman president of the Blue Ridge Horticulture Association. She and her family are celebrating the 40th anniversary of their Christmas tree business in South Carolina. “Two of our three children (and their families) help us plant, grow, and sell our trees!” writes Susan.
“My granddaughter, Christine Buck, loves Wesleyan! I can hardly believe she'll be a senior next year!” writes Diane Dennington Robertson ’70. Diane is a composer who received her M.M. degree from Georgia State University. Her latest work, “Dream,” is for a 3-part mixed chorus and was published by Schirmer, NY, NY. It is based on a poem by a 14-year-old Holocaust victim and is displayed at Vad Hashem in Jerusalem. This work premiered at Trinity Church, in NYC. Diane also set five Ruth Bell Graham poems for the Georgia Festival Chorus to perform in five concerts in metro Atlanta. “The Graham Literary Trust requires I self-publish! Don’t know how!” writes Diane.
Patti L. Voyles ’70 shares, “My dogs continue to fill my life with their activities. It has made delays in quilt-making! My Kkeeshond has turned 13 this month. She is the #1AKC Keeshond in Agility. She and Ruby (11.5 years) still go to therapy. Emma is learning obedience and agility.”
Congratulations to Susan Woodward Walker ’70 who has a new granddaughter, Isora Gray Clair, born on April 12, 2022. “Daughter Margaret, son-in-law Aran, and Isora are all doing very well!” writes Susan, who also explains the legacy of Isora’s name. “For genealogical interest, Isora is a Middle Tennessee name from Otey’s family to teach her about her ties to where many generations of Otey’s family have lived. Isora is the baby’s three times great-grandmother. And Gray is a Maryland name from my family to teach her about her ties to the area where she will be growing up. Gray was my Grandmother’s maiden name and is my middle name.” In addition, the WCAA congratulates Susan as the 2020 recipient of the Distinguished Service to Wesleyan award presented during the 2022 Annual Meeting of the Association.
1971 Golden Hearts celebrated their 50th + 1 reunion in style, complete with pomp and pizazz!
Classmates gathered at Residence Inn where meet-up conversations centered around grandchildren, retirement, travel and, of course, the famous winning of STUNT all four years! Sporting trademark color scarves during the parade of classes, GHs met in Burden Parlor for a class/party luncheon, where classmates honored Cathy Coxey Snow as she celebrated 30 years as alumnae director at Wesleyan.
On Friday, a toast to the completion of their class gift was held in the library. Sharing in the Vespers Memorial Service with the Class of 1970 was a meaningful event for both classes. Kudos to Debby Smith Kelly and Martha Yates Thomas who co-chaired a fun and fabulous 50th!
“I thoroughly enjoyed celebrating our 50th reunion with the Golden Hearts of 1971! An added bonus was getting to see friends from the classes of ’70 and ’72 who were also celebrating their 50th reunions. Thanks to Cathy Coxey Snow and our class committee for planning the perfect weekend!” writes Harriett Mayo ’71.
Congratulations to Pamela Henry Pate ’71 who received the 2022 award for Distinguished Service to Wesleyan at the Annual Meeting of the WCAA! Back home in NC, Pam answers a North Carolina Triangle Club questionnaire “Class: Golden Heart. Favorite Wesleyan memory: STUNT. What I did during COVID: Cleaned out and organized kitchen, attic, garage, etc.”
The Great Green Knights of 1972 stepped back in time to relive the “green” side of life during reunion. Decked out in their favorite color with matching fascinators, GKs celebrated their “real” 50th!
Comfort Suites was home base for the class with lots of Hoddy-Toddy chatter going on. Saturday’s events included a tribute to First Five members of their class, a special recognition at the Annual Meeting for classmate Joyce Rice Ellison who received the 2022 Alumnae Award for Service to the Community from the WCAA, and a toast to the completion of the 1972 class gift of landscaping in front of Porter Auditorium. On Saturday night classmates gathered at FOJ for dinner and more conversation! The Morning Watch Memorial Service on Sunday ended a weekend filled with laughter, tears, and memories - but most of all with sisterly love.
Florence Barnes ’72 writes, “My sister, Nancy Barnes Huppert ’71, and I sadly announce the death of our beloved younger sister, Mary Cecelia Barnes, on April 16, 2021.” (See Sympathy)
First Five alumna Christine Everett ’72 has several other Wesleyan FIRSTS! She was promoted to Instructional coordinator, Central Office, Thomasville City Schools in 1985 – (curriculum director K-5: instructional test coordinator K-12). She was promoted to director of Title 1 /special programs director, 1986-87. Christine earned her master’s degree in elementary education from Emory University in Atlanta and her reading specialist degree in 1974. She also earned a Leadership certificate in administration and supervision in 1986 from Valdosta State University. She is the author of a book of poetry “Prayers of Praise” published in 2015.
(Dorothy) Helen Moore ’72 received a B.A. in social work from Florida State University and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in gerontology from the University of South Florida. Helen worked as a clinical social worker (persons 65+), a university-based Alzheimer ’s disease (AD) researcher and post-Ph.D., as a research health scientist at a VA hospital. She has authored a book, “Hiring Home Helpers: the Family Guide to In-home Eldercare (Impace Publishers, 1995), several book chapters, 100 aging-issue columns for the St. Petersburg Times and several scientific papers on AD and home care. Her most cited paper is “A Framework for Managing Wandering and Preventing ccElopement.” She was married for 30 years to Captain Michael B. Susik, USNR, is the mother of Professor Abigail Susik, Willamette College in Salem, OR, and currently enjoys retirement in St. Petersburg, FL.
Carol Ann Para ’72 was a classroom teacher and private studio music teacher (piano voice, and flute) until the pandemic forced her into retirement. Now she is back teaching piano lessons online ( Carol Ann received her M.A.T. in music education from Jacksonville University in Jacksonville, FL., where she was one of the FIRST six graduate students in the program. “At our very first registration freshman year I was one of the final three students to complete registrations for classes. The registrar laughed at the irony and told me mine was the FIRST application received for the class of 1972!” LOL.
Susie McDonald Sheehan ’72, daughter Lauren, and granddaughter Madilyn joined the Class of 1972 for their Golden Belle (50th reunion) in April. Susie is a retired ESOL teacher and president of the GK Class of ’72.
Ellen Newton Stetson ’72 was unable to attend reunion because she was receiving certification as an End-of-Life Doula (EOLD) from the University of Vermont’s Larner School of Medicine. Hospice work is her latest calling, but she continues to be active in raising environmental awareness in Louisiana. She is a founding member of North Louisiana for Climate Justice, an organization that monitors the fossil fuels industry in alliance with other groups that supports legislation for a sustainable future. After a career in the training industry in Atlanta and Dallas, she married and moved to her husband’s home in Shreveport where she has been a licensed massage therapist, co-founded Louisiana’s FIRST Ukulele orchestra (see and landed in hospice as an EOLD, giving families respite and offering clients music and companionship during their transitions. Ellen writes, “I fondly remember our days at Wesleyan and don’t think it’s possible we are Golden Belles! May we continue with bells on our toes! Carry on, Golden Belles, we rock!”
Betsy Reeves Wilcox ’72 and husband Bruce live in Coppell, TX, and have two daughters, Kate and Sarah, and five grandchildren. After a long career in education she is enjoying time for genealogical research. In fall 2021 Betsy and Bruce toured Yorktown, Jamestowne, and Williamsburg, then spent a week on a Road Scholar trip to Charlottesville, studying Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe. Betsy is a member of the DAR, First Families of Tennessee, Jamestowne Society, Winthrop Society, and The National Society of Colonial Dames, 17th Century. This spring she attended the Convention of Colonial Dames in Washington, DC, as national scholarship chair. Then she launched off on a 10-day bucket-list trip with four fiends, traveling along Highway 1, Oregon to Yosemite. Betsy writes, “I really had the chance to think, plan, and basically figure out who I was at Wesleyan. The college prepared me for many things, and for this I am grateful.”
“Greetings to all my Wesleyan Sisters. My big news for 2020-2021 is ‘better late than never.’ I completed my Ph.D. and graduated in April 2020 with a doctoral degree in educational studies, University of Cincinnati. Finally!” shares Susan Paul Tyler ’73.
Linda Brown Walker ’73 writes, “Class color: Red. Favorite memory of Wesleyan: 18" of snow senior year Feb. 5th. Something I did or learned during COVID: Cleaned slides to put on the iCloud.”
Martha V. Johnson ’74 shares, “Class color: purple. Favorite memory at Wesleyan: Sunday breakfast in the Manget dining room. Thing learned during COVID: How to wear a mask.”
“I retired after working as a school guidance counselor for 38 years. I enjoy my seven grandchildren and also do volunteer work at a local elementary school. My husband, Roy, and I celebrated 46 years of marriage recently,” writes Marina Showalter Chancery ’75.
Gloria McIntosh McDonald ’75 is a mathematics lecturer at Auburn University in Montgomery, AL. She earned a master’s degree in industrial/systems engineering from the University of Florida.
The WCAA Board of Managers would like to thank outgoing board member and Alumna Trustee Sally Moffett McKenna ’75 for her four years of service on the board. Thank you, Sally!
Wesleyan in Costa Rica? Karlyn Sturmer ’75 and Nannette Coco ’73 made it to reunion and sent a screen shot of their car from back home.
“Neither COVID, hot weather nor a year-late reunion kept 18 intrepid class of ’76 GKs from converging on Macon for Alumnae Weekend 2022. In addition to the great on-campus events arranged by the Alumnae Association, class-specific get-togethers ranged from a Friday night Mexican dinner at La Parrilla, the Saturday class party at Rett and Molly Preston Walker's beautiful home, and Saturday and Sunday breakfasts at the Courtyard by Marriott. It’s always especially fun to see classmates back for their first reunion, and this year was no exception. Debbie Decker Philips, Debbie Johnston, and Meg Renfroe Hundley were able to join us for the first time in, well, we won't say how many years! Looking forward to more of the same in ’26. Hoddy-Toddy, mark your calendars!” reports Reunion Chair Cynthia McMullen.
Ginna Pritchard Ashby ’76 retired in 2020 after serving 20 years as director of Preschool Ministries at Fruit Cove Baptist Church in St. John’s FL. She enjoys retirement, being a grandmother (five grandchildren) and volunteering at her church. Ginna has a WESLEYAN FIRST as the first female to hold a ministry/staff position at Fruit Cove Baptist Church.
What’s new with Karen Hughes DeLoach ’76? New online art classes via ZOOM, a new website:, info on Facebook: Karen Deloach, and two new grandbabies (she already had one)! She still teaches art at a college in Orangeburg, SC, and is going on a mission trip to Uganda in fall ’22 where she will teach art and filmmaking to young (rescuees!) people. Karen earned her M.A. in studio art in 1987 from the University of South Carolina and her filmmaking/directing/producing certificate, from Trident Technical College (TTC) in Charleston, SC. She is the author or three books: How to Draw, Art History & Appreciation: Creative Exploration & Application, and How to Paint (e-book).
Janice Cromer Holbrook ’76 reports, “I have retired from teaching preschool music. My grandson Jackson is 2 1/2 years old, and he is the smartest, cutest guy in the world. I'm not kidding!! Fred is still working, but he takes a lot of time off to go to Clemson games, Charleston, and Chicago. We're taking a trip to Europe this summer. My mother, Dorothy Greer, passed away in October. I miss everyone. Hope to be at Alumnae Weekend. Hoddy Toddy, Green Knight Body!!”
Dottie Claytor Jackson ’76 is a retired Montessori (Primary) teacher but is busier than ever with seven grandchildren (17, 15, 14, 9, 5, 3, 1) and a Juice Plus business.
“I am a retired teacher with four grandsons,” reports Mary Jones Jobson ’76.
Beth Mumford Langille ’76 enjoys being retired.
If you are ever in Kansas City, MO, there’s a room waiting for you at the Mattox Inn,” writes Beth Caile Mattox ’76. Beth and her husband have been opening their home to people from around the world who come to KC for ministry purposes (or some other purpose). “We have had the honor of housing and serving hundreds of people,” shares Beth. “Plus, I have the cutest grandsons EVER!” Beth is a retired high school language teacher and interpreter for the Deaf.
Judith Young Orange ’76 enjoys her work as an RN charge nurse.
Debbie Decker Philips ’76 earned an M.A.T. degree from the College of Charleston.
Living life and still helping people to become healthier with her Juice Plus business, Jane Gardner Preston ’76 enjoys her two grandchildren (2 and ½ and 6 months old), playing golf, and traveling.
Lynn Bissell Reed ’76 is a retired kindergarten teacher who earned her M.Ed. from Armstrong State University. She has three children and five grandchildren who keep her busy.
“My husband and I enjoy our retired life. We are looking forward to more travel. I sub-teach quite a bit for my “fun” money. We enjoy our granddaughters and feel very blessed to be able to see them regularly,” reports Karen Miller Smith ’76.
“I retired from my job in the mathematics department at Tuskegee University in May of 2021 and am now helping my husband with his battle with Parkinson’s disease. We have 12 grandchildren, including three sets of twins,” shares Lauretta Elliott Garrett ’79.
Patricia Gingold Weinman ’79 writes, “The Wesleyan art department made a significant difference in my life in Macon. I remember Professor Libby Bailey as a young teacher; now she is retired!”
The class of 1980 began their celebration on Friday afternoon and continued it through brunch on Sunday! We joined in with the classes of 1981 and 1982 to kick our celebration off. It was great being back on campus with so many alumnae whose classes overlapped with ours! We were so glad to get to celebrate in person with so many Wesleyannes!
Eloise Terrell Gray ’80 shares, “I have just written a book “A Journey of Women of Valo.” It is available on Amazon or from me. I have made 12 trips to Kenya helping children over there. I have a ministry, Touching the Heart of God.”
Allison McFarland Wilcox ’80 has lived in Michigan for 22 years now. “Big events in the past few years include two floods, one which put 14 inches in our basement in 2017 and five feet in 2020. Luckily, after the 2017 flood we had cleaned up, emptied, and done repairs in the basement, but had not done any remodeling - that made cleaning up after the 2020 flood easy to do! My children are grown so I stay busy walking my dogs and volunteering in my community and church. After volunteering on the campaigns for several friends who ran for political office, I am now running myself for County Commissioner in Midland County. My chances aren’t great, but giving voters a choice is important. Right before the pandemic began in 2020, Hannah Allen ’80 and I took a trip together to London. We had a wonderful time and hope to take more trips together. We might even let my husband tag along in the future! In August of 2020 my daughter, Johanna, got married so we had a pandemic wedding - only immediate family, ceremony and reception outside. Despite the restrictions, it was a special day. My husband still works from home as he has throughout the pandemic. We’ve spent more time together in the last two years than any time in our marriage - and we are still married!”
Members of the Class of 1981 celebrated Alumnae Weekend with the Classes of 1980 and 1981. They joined other Wesleyannes (1982) on Friday for dinner at Mikata, and attended a party at the home of Wende Sanderson Meyer von Bremen ’80. Saturday’s activities were at the hotel followed by dinner downtown with the Classes of ’80 and ‘82. On Sunday, ‘81ers met up with the GKs for brunch at Yollah. Classmates had a fun time showing off their Pirate spirit!
“It was great to see my Wesleyan sisters at the reunion!” says Colleen Brown ’81.
Molly Burleson ’81 retired at the end of this school year and is looking forward to traveling with her husband. Molly was a special education teacher for 40 years. She earned a B.A. in learning disabilities and emotional disabilities and has a master’s degree in multi-disabilities.
Reunion Co-Chair Cindy Cobb ’81 and husband Gene enjoy working from home in their empty nest. About Alumnae Weekend she says, “It always does my heart good to reunite with my Pirate sisters. Looking forward to our 45th in 2026! Fellow classmates of 1981- mark your calendars!”
“My husband, Randy, and I recently moved to our forever home in San Antonio, TX. Reunion 2022 was a fantastic experience. So many classes gathered together in fellowship…totally worth the 1,000 drive!” writes Nancy Shaw Coleman ’81.
Trisha Chapman DuBose ’81 reports that she retired three years ago after 32 years of working in science education. Trish earned her M.Ed. from the University of North Florida and her Ed.S. from Albany State University. Currently, she is the water quality coordinator for the Satilla River Keeper. “I test water and train volunteers with the Adopt-A-Stream program. Get outside and enjoy our natural world, “writes Trisha.
“I’m working as a financial business services analyst at Dr. Pepper. Our office is next to the Dallas Cowboys headquarters and our office windows overlook the practice field. The NFL says we can’t take photos when the Cowboys are on the field!” writes Shirley Weihman ’81.
Members of the Class of 1982 celebrated the weekend with their fellow classmates from the classes of 1980 and 1981. Dinner on Friday night was with the class of 1981 and Anita Marchman (1979) at Mikata on Riverside Dr., followed by a get-together with the Class of 1980 at the home of Wende Sanderson Meyer von Bremen ’80. On Saturday after the Annual Meeting and lunch they enjoyed Happy Hour at the Equestrian Center and then dinner downtown again with the classes of 1980 and 1981. They had a relaxing, socializing weekend!
“In January 2022 I celebrated 30 consecutive years working at The Walt Disney Company. With prior time worked there I have just over 34 years working for the company. I currently work in Disney Financial Systems as a financial system analyst on a time consolidation program,” reports Reunion Chair Susan Holloway ’82.
Beth Parker Davis ’83 is still enjoying her position as the Head of the Olson Library at Stratford Academy in Macon.
Congratulations to Connie Averett ’84 who joined Sheridan, Solomon & Assoc. Realtors, in May. Connie holds a A.B., in biology from Wesleyan College, a A.S. respiratory from Armstrong State University, and a B.S. in nursing from Georgia College and State University. She is a member of Sigma Theta Tau International for nursing. In addition, she is a registered Yoga teacher, and member of the Jazz Association of Macon, active committee participant of the Jazz and Arts on Riverdale, and stage actor and manager at Macon Little Theatre. Connie loves to travel, garden and antique. She also is a great alumna volunteer for Wesleyan!
Judy Forward Lear ’86 announces a new granddaughter, Hadley Lear, born February 19, 2022. Our condolences to Judy on the passing of her father, Roy Forward, on December 9, 2021, after a lengthy illness. (See Sympathy)
Kenlyn Gerrette Sawyer ’86 retired from IBM Corporation in August 2021 (after 35 years), and started a new job with Kyndryl in September 2021.
The Golden Hearts of 1987 gathered once again at their beloved Wesleyan for their 35th reunion. Our hotel, the new Holiday Inn Express & Suites, served as the official hangout for class parties on Friday and Saturday nights. Quite a few of us also enjoyed a fabulous meal at Natalias’s, which is becoming a tradition. We all had a wonderful time visiting the campus and attending many of the Alumnae Weekend events, and just being together after all these years. Though we were few in number, we are always mighty in spirit!
Sharon Clark Thornberry ’87 says, “At the age of 50, I went back and received my nursing degree. I raised two great girls who were heading out of the house to college, my husband wanted to slow down, and I found my passion. I have been a medical-surgical nurse at the bedside in a hospital for three years now, and I love it!! I am finally using my biology degree that I got at Wesleyan. It took a little bit to find my path, but I am on it.”
1990 Reunion Chair Karene Harron Nebel ’90 provides a re-cap of PK Alumnae Weekend activities. “The pep rally on Friday night far surpassed my hope for it. We had at least 50+ people there, alums and several current students! It was so much fun! Holding hands and singing the sister class songs and the Alma Mater brought so much joy to us, and for some of us, it was very healing. To see women I haven’t seen since my own graduation is indescribable. Sisters that inspired me, sisters that “ratted” me, sisters I “ratted” and little sisters…..such love and joy! Sunday morning, we had brunch at Saralyn’s (Saralyn Collins ’90) restaurant Grow. It was amazing and topped off by the attendance of Annie Mae Leonard Mitcham, our oldest classmate at age 96. My heart is overflowing with love for our sisters and Wesleyan!
The Great Green Class of 1992 celebrated their 30th Reunion in the best ways possible; with their sister classes - Golden Class of 1991, and the Purple class of 1990! We participated in the reunion pep rally around the fountain on Friday night followed by an ice cream social held in the Arboretum! On Saturday, our class was represented well in the parade of Reunion classes, followed by the Luncheon in the Dining Hall. Oh how the Doxology served as a balm for our souls, along with the spirited conversations over lunch. We continued those conversations, catching up with our sisters, while others chose to reconnect with the city of Macon and see how much it has changed over the years. Saturday evening Purple class restaurateur Saralyn Collins hosted an amazing dinner with drinks and dessert for the sister classes. We were happy to welcome our Golden and Red sisters from our time on campus together. Jennifer Johnson and I are so thankful to have been together and hope that at our next reunion,we can see more of us as we celebrate our 35th.
Cindy Migeot Schumann ’93 shares that she is “working on a book about healing inner brokenness; teaching and tutoring middle school kids dealing with learning challenges due to social anxiety, being bullied and other issues like dyslexia, attention challenges and overall lack of self-esteem; and has a business that focuses on craft items for the spirit and soul!”
“Hi! I am very excited to share this press release from my publisher about the release of my upcoming book, LOUD WOMAN: Good-bye, Inner Good Girl! You can also view it here: I would be so appreciative for any support that Wesleyannes can give to my book. I talk about Wesleyan in LOUD WOMAN, including devoting a whole chapter to getting accepted into Wesleyan. I am trying to achieve a bestseller status, too. All the best,” writes Jill Hauver Celeste ’94.
The Golden Hearts of 1995 enjoyed celebrating our 25th reunion with the Green Knights of 1996 and Pirates of 1997. They reminisced Friday night in the Porter Gymnasium and enjoyed downtown Macon Saturday night including the Hotel Forty Five rooftop.
“The class of 1996 was grateful to see each other and to celebrate with ’95 and ’97 classmates. Many commented on how they haven’t laughed this much or this hard in a very long time. The weekend was a welcome replenishment for the soul and sisterhood!” writes Reunion Chair Yehudi Self-Medlin.
The Class of 1997 enjoyed a party Friday night with the Classes of 1995 and 1996 following a pep rally at The Fountain with multiple classes. They enjoyed spending time together at Wesleyan on Saturday and had lunch at H&H and dinner that night in downtown Macon.
“I have lived in Mt. Juliet, TN, for 10+ years. My 7-year-old daughter, Elizabeth, joined me for her first visit to Wesleyan during the reunion,” reports Kara Bollmeier Jagger-Miller ’97. Kara is a medical writer for a contract company hired by all the major pharma companies and many smaller companies to write their documents for clinical studies and submissions for new drugs.
“I was happy to attend the reunion with my 11-year-old daughter, Macy. Jason and I live in Rome, GA, with our four children - Carter (18), Aaron (15), Macy (11) and Henry (11),” says Stephanie Pate Lewis ’97. Stephanie is a 6th grade math teacher who earned a M.A. in history from Georgia College & State University, a M.S. in educational administration from Jacksonville State University, and an Ed.S. in instructional technology from the University of West Georgia.
Stacy Reynolds Forehand ’98 shares, “A week ago, we were singing you Happy Birthday. Today, we are learning to live without you! To say I am heartbroken is an understatement. Travis is all I have ever known; it is hard to remember my life before him. He was my best friend, my rock, my confidant, he was my everything! I never doubted his love for me and our kids. He didn't like to ask for help for himself but was always quick to help anybody else in need. He never wanted recognition or praise for helping others. I knew I loved him but didn't realize how well loved and respected he was by our friends, coworkers, and community until he got sick. He got the ultimate praise and recognition he deserved! The love and support we have received has been overwhelming. We have had so many visitors, messages, calls, flowers, food, love, and support… to say ‘thank you’ seems inadequate for everything but it is all I have. Thank you!”
“After seven years in communications and media relations for the School District of Palm Beach County, I am very proud to announce that I have moved to the healthcare field as the Director of Communications and Community Engagement for HCA Florida Palms West Hospital, in Loxahatchee, FL. I’m a one-woman communications shop handling all internal and external communications for the hospital as part of HCA Florida Healthcare's East Coast Division. It’s a great challenge, closer to home, and I have the opportunity to grow from working with hero teachers to hero medical professionals,” writes Julie E. Houston Trieste ’98.
Congratulations to Bingle C. Brown ’99 who married Marcie McFarland on October 4, 2021.
Dana Karstensen-Bryan ’99 says,” My husband, Chris, retired after twenty years in the Navy. After the boys finished the school year, we spent five months camping all over the US, visiting National Parks, friends, and family members. We decided to settle down in my hometown of Brunswick, GA. We found a home we love in the historic district, and I am enjoying my work as a museum interpreter and historic tour guide on Jekyll Island. It feels good to be home.”
Julia Tolley Harris ’01 works as a children’s specialist librarian. She received her master’s degree from Armstrong Atlantic State University in middle grades science and social science.
Pharmacist Brandy Morris Kirkwood ’01 has a new project – she’s working on a book. The Class of 2001 reunion chair says, “We had a small group this year but we had LOTS of FUN!”
According to Reunion Chair Vita Olivares, “The Class of ‘02 was sponsored by the letter F. Our class party was at Fall Line Brewery on Friday. We had lunch on Saturday at Fajitas, and dinner at FOJ. We were few but made up for it with laughter and our fabulous fascinators.”
The WCAA Board of Managers would like to thank outgoing board member Natalie Puckett Evans ’02 for her four years of service as chair of Alumnae Weekend. Thank you, Natalie!
The WCAA Board of Managers sends condolences to board member Mary Kathryn Borland ’04 on the death of her grandfather, Emil Evans, on May 24, 2022.
“Members of the Class of 2006 enjoyed a leisurely “catch-up” at the home of Lauren Beaty where her family were excellent hosts, followed by tapas and beverages at Marie's Lounge on Forsyth Road,” reports class contact Jas’min Coates.
Congratulations to Jaime F. McQuilkin ’06 and her partner Martin who bought their first home together!
Congratulations to Catherine Marie Zopfi-Pyle ’06 (formerly Catherine Marie Merschat née Zopfi) and Robert-Jon Andrew Pyle who celebrated their wedding on October 30, 2021, at Saint Andrews Presbyterian in Macon, GA. They enjoyed having friends and family celebrate with them in person at the small ceremony and reception and were happy to have the ceremony streamed for those who were unable to attend in person. They enjoyed a brief honeymoon at the Great Wolf Lodge in LaGrange, GA. They will be making their home in Macon. (See Marriages)
Congratulations to Kathryn Zaiger Ellington ’09 and Dr. Thomas Ellington who married on September 26, 2021. Kathryn also graduated from the Harvard School of Public Health in May 2020. (See Marriages, Wesmag, Winter 2021)
Congratulations to Ying Tang ’09 and Anthony Kroestch (of Troy, Michigan) who married in Cleveland, Ohio, on October 30, 2021. (See Marriages)
Hollywood actress Karan Kendrick ’10 (M.B. A.) and former Wesleyan commencement speaker continues to build on her role in feature films such as Hidden Figures and The Hunger Games. Karan founded the Girls Empowerment Tour (in 2016) visiting schools and community organizations where she spoke to girls aged 8-12 about leadership, empowerment, and building their futures. Karan also invited select students from across the country to participate in her Girls Empowerment Tour. The seminars focus on encouraging students to choose excellence at every step on their journey, and how that choice can change the world. In February 2022 Karan headlined the 16th Annual UNCF Scholarship Gala and Richard Allen Awards at Allen University in Columbia, SC.
Betsy Herlong Powers ’12 shares news. “Baby Boy Powers arrives July 2022!” Betsy is an English teacher at Collierville (TN) High School.
Congratulations to Beth Hurst ’14 who finished her Ph.D. in August 2021 but didn’t walk because of the pandemic. Her doctorate degree is in communication. Beth works as a postdoctoral social science researcher at the Center for Applied Social Research at the University of Oklahoma in Norman, OK. She also teaches piano lessons at the Norman Music Center and horseback riding lessons at Celtic Cross Equestrian Center.
Congratulations to Paula Lockhart ’14 who is the new associate director of The Governor’s School for The Arts in Louisville, KY.
"I am so glad to be back on campus working with the Advancement Team! It was wonderful to celebrate a special reunion year together with so many other alumnae classes! Hail Wesleyan!" reports Julie Rogers '16
Congratulations to Charlotte Nicole Wilson ’17 and Stephanie Mariette Artola ’18 who married on October 15th 2021. (See Marriages)
“I’m nervous but excited to say I was hired on the team of The City Magazine (El Paso, TX) as a graphic designer! I can’t wait to start being a part of something big!” reports Maggie Blum ’18.
“Brooke N. Stanely, Esq. has a pretty nice ring to it. By the grace of God and through lots of prayers and love, I passed the bar,” shares Brooke Hester Stanley ’18.
“As a class, we spent Alumnae Weekend going to our usual hangouts such as the Society Garden, 'El Som' and Reboot. It was great to see everyone, and to be back in the places where we used to meet up,” writes Reunion Committee member Olivia Moore.
Congratulations to Laura Feltman ’19 who has joined Wesleyan’s financial aid office as a new financial aid counselor! Laura graduated with her bachelor’s degree in business administration; she just recently started working on her M.B.A. and is excited for what her future has in store! During her time as a Wesleyan student, she was involved in quite a few areas on campus, including but not limited to being an RA, a career peer mentor, and an intern for the Financial Aid Office. In her time as an intern, she worked diligently to understand more about financial aid and how the process works.
Nancy E. Abarca ’21 writes, “After graduating, I was hired on with the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Georgia as their new resource development and marketing associate in July 2021!”
Congratulations to Irma Wright King Guest ’42 who celebrated her 101st birthday on October 1, 2021. News of her birthday was featured in an article in the Oconee Enterprise. In 2020, Irma’s family organized a drive-by car parade to celebrate her 100th birthday. This year, they kept things simple by spending the afternoon grilling hotdogs and hamburgers with family, including daughter Janet Jones who is the mayor of Bogart, GA. Irma’s mother, Gertrude Rowlenson Wright, was a member of the Class of 1920.
Virginia Martin Lawrence ’45 writes, “My husband, Benjamin Lawrence, died December 23, 2020, of the COVID-19 virus at the age of 91. He was a chemical engineer graduate of Princeton University and also a graduate of St. Marks Prep School.”
“Monique Samson Dempsey ’48 sailed through the pandemic at home and is enjoying visits from her family,” reports her daughter, Florence Dempsey. Also, congratulations on her grandson, Andre, who just completed his first year at Harvard Medical School.
“I'm still happy and proud to be a Wesleyanne!” shares Betty Tillman Hodges ’48.
Emily Hancock Bredeson ’49 writes that “after a long, well-lived and happy life, my roommate, Emmie Carlton Johnson ’49 joined our Lord. I am thankful for our Wesleyan years. I am living in Macon now at Carlyle Place retirement home since I lost Don, my husband. I have one of my children living, Dwight Jones of Macon, and twenty wonderful grandchildren and great grands.”
Robin Chesney Hopkins ’51 says, “I still remember the fine instruction I received under Miss Candler and Mrs. Bosch in History and Art History. I pursue both in retirement. Wesleyan is a fine institution.”
Martha Bielmann Hastings ’52 writes, “I’ve lived in the Birmingham, AL, area since 1973 and in Mountain Brook until after my husband's death in 2010. Now I'm in a garden home (Brookdale Sr. Living) in Homewood. Feel blessed that both of my daughters and their families also are in Mountain Brook. I’ve enjoyed the Wesleyan gatherings here through the years. I'm grateful for the opportunities Wesleyan offered me and how the College continues to reach out to young women today. Wesleyan Forever!”
“My husband of sixty-one years, Jess Upperco, died on December 3, 2018. We had moved to a retirement home in Wilson, NC, to be closer to our daughter and her family. I am content to be here. I truly enjoy being a grandmother to Noelle, Ethan, and Dane Upperco in Fredericksburg, VA, to Caroline (Dolman) Herlin in Austin, TX, and to Elena Dolman in Winston Salem, NC. My thanks to Wesleyan always!” shares Caroline Eagerton Upperco ’53. (See Sympathy, Winter 2018 WESmag)
Frances Bruce Van Horn ’53 writes, “I drive pass Wesleyan several times a week and am always so proud of how nice it looks. I love the Wesleyan magazine!”
Julie Adams Hawk ’57 and classmate Carol Taylor Griffin Clemons ’57 had a good time “catching up” by phone via Carol’s daughter and her speaker phone! After reminiscing, Julie shared current Wesleyan news and class news with Carol.
Eleanor Thompson Futch Rosen ’57 says, “I am blessed to have three children, seven grandchildren, and four great-grands. God is good.”
Nancy Doss Holcombe ’58 reports, “I am expecting my 13th great-grandchild in September. He will be the 10th great-grandson. The girls are few and far between.”
Congratulations to Doris Stone Wilder ’58 and husband Roy who celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary in June 2020. She studied broadcasting and debate at Wesleyan and worked for WMAZ as a student. Doris and Roy have three children and five grandchildren.
Manita Bond Dean ’59 writes, “It’s been a COVID year, but we are fortunate to live in a compliant, but active, community. We’ve even had spaced out, outdoor yoga and Tai Chi classes. There are trails to walk, a large community vegetable garden, and supportive ZOOMS! Now to stay safe while we open up more and more.”
Congratulations to Kay Carroll Barnes ’60 who was recently named STAR TEACHER for the 29th time! She also shares, “I continue to teach honors math at Flint River Academy. This will be year 52. I also play the organ at First Baptist Church of Manchester. My first great-grandchild was born in 2020. Miss seeing all my classmates with cancellation of reunion.”
Jukie Hardeman Caldwell ’61 writes, “I lost my wonderful husband, Bill, of 60 years on October 30, 2020, to colon cancer. Before he died, he published a delightful book, The Young Lad Who Lost His Nightshirt! I have moved to Summerville, SC, near Charleston.”
Rebecca “Becky” Bullard Powers ’63 reports, “I am blessed, in spite of my advanced age, to enjoy good health and an active life. Best wishes to my classmates.”
“Can't wait for our 60th reunion! Golden Hearts. Love to all,” writes Ann Ewing Shumaker ’63.
Sympathy to Jan Mewbourne Genest ’65 whose husband, Mike, passed away on June 24, 2020. (See Sympathy, Fall 2021 WESmag)
Suzanne Spence Joyce ’66 writes, “My husband, Thomas Joyce, died July 7, 2020, after a long battle with dementia. Due to COVID-19, we did not have any sort of service for him. Finally on July 10, 2021, there was a memorial service for him in the mountains of NC. My roommate from Wesleyan, Jo An Johnson Chewning ’66 and her husband were able to attend. Thom and I were married for 43 years, and we will celebrate that!” (See Sympathy, Fall 2021 WESmag)
“I recently had the opportunity to encourage a graduating senior to attend Wesleyan. I sincerely shared how Wesleyan had helped me to grow in confidence as a woman and how much I valued my educational experience. She entered Wesleyan in August 2021 as a first-year student with a full scholarship. Love to all my classmates (1968). I look forward to our next gathering in 2022!” shares Patty Pearce Cardin ’68.
Congratulations to Susan A. Cobleigh ’68 and George de Man who were married on July 9, 2021. (See Marriages, Fall 2021 WESmag)
Sharon Malone Boyd ’69 is proud of grandson Tyler who entered “Ole Miss” as a freshman majoring in business this past fall (2021)”
“I’ll see you at the next reunion!” says Mary Beth Irwin deBrueys ’71.
Rebecca Edenfield Lingerfelt ’71 shares, “My mother, Myrtle Edenfield, passed away December 20, 2020, at the age of 99 (just shy of her 100th birthday).” (See Sympathy, Fall 2021 WESmag)
Congratulations to new Wesleyan College Trustee Janice A. Mays ’73.
After 46 years Tina Farkas Williams ’74, founder and executive director of the Young Actors Theatre (YAT) in Tallahassee, FL, retired at the end of July 2021. Tina founded YAT in 1975 with classes in her grandmother’s basement and it grew into a cultural institution inspiring thousands of young Tallahasseeans through the performing arts. YAT became known as one of the largest acting venues for young people in the nation and put Tallahassee on the map with regard to theatre. Tina leaves YAT in good hands as her niece, Sarah Doolin Roy, takes over the title and legacy from her aunt. Kudos to Tina from the WCAA!
Carolyn Field Hall ’76 serves on the board of the Greensboro (NC) Opera along with Anna Clare Williams Allen ’55. Despite the pandemic for the past year, the board has continued to work on concerts and programs this upcoming year.
Mary Knight Robinson ’76 and her husband have both retired and moved to Troup County, GA, which is much closer to their daughter.
According to Patricia Gingold Weinman ’79 the Wesleyan Art Department made a significant difference in her life in Macon. “I remember Professor Libby Bailey as a young teacher; now she is retired!” writes Patti.
Beth Koon-Spiwak ’83 reminisces about her wedding nuptials. “I was blessed to marry Randy Spiwak on February 6, 2021! We had a COVID-compliant, small wedding at the Museum of Winter Haven History to celebrate “A Very Winter Haven Wedding.” My brothers walked me down the aisle and my 92 year-old father proudly gave me away. Such a blessing to celebrate with family and friends, both in-person and via live streaming! (See Marriages, Spring 2021 WESmag)
During the 2021 fall semester at Wesleyan Ellen Futral Hanson ’83 served as an adjunct instructor of music.
Kenlyn Sawyer ’86 has news to report. “I retired from IBM Corporation in August 2021 after 35 years. Started a new job with Kyndryl in September 2021!”
Author Jill Hauver Celeste ’94 has a new book out and is the author of the bestselling book, That First Client, and the founder of Celestial University for women entrepreneurs. She holds a B.A. in English from Wesleyan College, and a M.A. in history from the University of West Georgia. She lives in Florida with her family, cats, and a basset hound named Trixie.
Our sympathy to Stacy Reynolds Forehand ’98 whose husband, Travis, died on September 25, 2021.
“I want to thank everybody for all the calls, texts, messages, and especially the prayers when my husband, Travis, was admitted to the Sylvania Hospital in August with COVID-19 pneumonia and throughout his illness, writes Stacy.” (See Sympathy, Fall 2021 WESmag)
Lisa Sloben ’00 served as an adjunct instructor of art history during the 2021 fall semester at Wesleyan.
Esther Celestin-Wang ’00 joined an amazing EdTech startup as director of customer success. “We purchased our first home in Fayetteville, GA!” reports Esther.
Pilar Wilder Lowden ’01 served as an adjunct instructor of dance at the College during the 2021 fall semester.
Congratulations to Mary Kathryn Borland ’04 who is the new alumni affairs specialist for the Collat School of Business at UAB
Congratulations to Donna Ashley Moore ’05 whose first book, Love in the Limelight, was released in September 2021. The book follows the life of a Hollywood actress who, after 30 years, realizes the importance of being true to herself and to her passions for a woman she loved and left 20 years earlier, when they become co-stars in a new animated movie.
Trudy Blair Wroble ’05 enjoys life in Great Britain where she practices law at Wromble, Bond, Dickinson, LLP. Trudy received her M.A. in law from the University of Bristol.
Sarah Adetola Asante ’06 is looking forward to 2022 when she will completer her degree
from the Harvard Business School Senior Executive Program Africa. Sarah lives in Accra, Ghana, and works for Groupe Sebastien, the leading Ghanaian-owned food services group operating eight food service brands including: five restaurants, two outdoor catering brands, and a culinary school. Founded in 2008, the group has grown from a single take-out restaurant serving Ghanaian cuisine, to a multi-brand, multi-cuisine food services group with more than 100 full time employees across four sites.
During the 2021 fall semester at Wesleyan Jas’min Shy Coates ’06 served as an adjunct instructor of education.
Jaime McQuilkin ’06 is proud of classmate M. (Mollie) Elizabeth Hughes ’06 who produced a great documentary entitled Bob Ross: Happy Accidents, Betrayal & Greed which focuses on what actually went down behind the scenes of the popular television show The Joy of Painting. The documentary debuted on Netflix in August. Mollie’s mother is Anne Scarborough Hughes ’78.
William Wi ’06 (MBA) served as an adjunct instructor of business at Wesleyan during the 2021 fall semester.
During the 2021 fall semester at Wesleyan, Registrar Angie O’Neal Wright ’07 & ’10 (MBA) served as an adjunct instructor of business.
Congratulations to Tanya Parker ’08 and Tabitha Parker ’05 on the purchase of their new home. Realtor Ashling Thurmond Osborne ’05 was glad to find just the right place for them!
Kudos to Jasmine Jackson ’08 who has a new job at John’s Hopkins Medicine.
Kimberly Minor ’09 served as an adjunct instructor of art history at Wesleyan during the 2021 fall semester.
Congratulations to Betsy Herlong Powers ’12 and Adam Powers who were married on June 26, 2021, in Collierville, TN. Classmate Sammy Lint ’12 was maid of honor. Betsy writes, “Adam and I will honeymoon in Cancun in July.” (See Marriages, Fall 2021 WESmag)
Kristen Simonton Grissom ’13 (MBA) is the new director of auxiliary services at Wesleyan.
Adrianne Woodward Glass ’14 writes, “In December 2020, I was promoted to marketing director at the Gulf County Tourist Development Council. Over the last three years, our team has received three Flagler Awards for Outstanding Tourism Marketing in several categories. I am proud to have been a part of and even created many of the elements of our marketing campaigns.”
Congratulations to Elizabeth ‘Beth” H. Hurst ’14 who completed her doctor of philosophy degree in communication from the University of Oklahoma! Beth has accepted a job as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Oklahoma’s Center for Applied Social Research.
Congratulations to Rebecca Parker ’15 and Nichole Kennedy who married on May 29, 2021. Rebecca has been an English teacher at St. Margaret's School in Walkerton, VA, since 2015. (See Marriages, Fall 2021 WESmag)
Devonna Gaudet ’16 graduated with her master’s degree in health psychology and will start her post master’s certificate in ABA this fall. Congratulations, Devonna!
Malaeolevavau “Malae” Fiaseu ’18 has joined Wesleyan’s staff as the new head volleyball coach, intramural director, and instructor of HPE.
Lindsey E. Meyer ’18 reports that she is currently in her 4th year of a Ph.D. program in French at Emory University.
“Brooke N. Stanley, Esq. has a pretty nice ring to it! By the grace of God and through lots of prayers and love, I passed the bar,” reports Brooke Hester Stanley ’18 who graduated from Mercer University’s Walter F. George School of Law.
Hannah Holder Mackey ’19 is an adjunct instructor of nursing for the 2021 fall semester at Wesleyan.
Abbie Price ’19 has come back “home” for a while. She has joined Wesleyan’s staff as a part-time student activities coordinator in the office of student services.
Nancy Abarca ’21 has a new job! “After graduating from Wesleyan I was hired on at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Georgia as their new resource development and marketing associate in July 2021!”
Elspeth “Ellie” Hansen ’21 is the new residence life coordinator at Wesleyan. Congratulations!
Maddy Delaney ’21 is a yoga instructor at Wesleyan’s Mathews Fitness Center.
Wesleyan has a new admissions counselor, Paloma Velasco Rios ’21.
Emily Bradford Batts ’46 lives with her daughter in Whispering Pines, NC. She celebrated her 95th birthday in March of 2021. “I’m happy to be around family after losing my husband in February, 2018,” writes Emily.
“My husband of 68 years, Almont E. Lindsey, died November 28, 2020. He was a wonderful productive man who founded the largest CPA firm in the southeast - Odum Hughes, in 1974 (began as Lindsey, Crisp, Hughes and Mabe). He built the first totally electric high-rise at Seven Cadness in VA in 1964 and the Chatham House and many apartments and shopping centers throughout the Southeast,” reports Gwen Jackson Lindsey ’54.
Phyllis Caverly Long ’54 writes, “I’m a widow - 4 children, 3 surviving, 8 grandchildren, 9 great-grandchildren and counting...”
According to Joan Nachbaur Rathbun ’58, she feels blessed to still read about Wesleyan and to be kept informed about her classmates.
“Two of my grandchildren were married in 2020,” writes Carolyn Wade Barry ’59. “A COVID-19 year made it a bit tricky but all are happy!”
“2020 has been a difficult year, having lost several friends. Sadest was losing our grandson, Mitchell Pope. Fortunately, we have avoided COVID-19 and continue to take care. And, as always, I am proud to be a Golden Heart,” writes Carol King Pope ’59.
Even if reunion had not been postponed, Doris V. Manning ’60 would not have been able to attend. “My eyesight is very low now. God bless to all.”
My husband of 55 years, Werner Gruhl, died on October 23, 2020. I had spinal surgery on September 28, 2020. I am still active at three levels in League of Women Voters: Howard County, Maryland and National Capitol area. Zoom makes it easier to ‘attend’ many board and committee meetings. I love to Zoom!” says Andrea Morris Gruhl ’61.
“I am still working with the Fore (In) Sight Foundation founded by Professor Emeritus Dr. Bernard C. Murdoch. He was chair of the psychology department at Wesleyan,” writes Sandra Combs Lewis ’61.
“I still enjoy my retirement and stay very busy. I’m a rector at church where people say I am the best reader and I owe it all to my speech and drama professors at Wesleyan! I do a great job of crafting - assemblage, collage, bookmaking, and photography,” reports Linda Maria Willson ’64.
Katie Gibson Jones ’66 writes, “Only attended my freshman year… wonderful experience! Married twice, widowed with 7 adult children. Currently work in real estate in Naples, FL.”
“Hello classmates! Just checking in. I am married to Tom Slade (31 years) and we have 15 grandchildren together and more on the way - I LOVE being a grandmother! I am still a realtor here in Atlanta and my daughter and son and their families live nearby. My 98-year-old mother is sharp as a tack and lots of fun.
I hope all of you are safe and healthy after this crazy, incredible year,” writes Kathy Owens Slade ’74.
Sandi Davis Townley ’75 writes, “My husband, Chris, died March 6, 2020, after a year-long battle with Glioblastoma. He loved Wesleyan as much as I do and because we married after my freshman year, our early days of married life included many Wesleyan memories. I am making my gift this year in his memory.”
“My husband died on December 27, 2020, from Glioblastoma. We were married 37 years. He served as an Army Chaplain for 29 years and loved every minute of his time in service. We lived all over the world thanks to the Army. Our daughter, Bonnie, still considers Germany ‘home.’ Harry met many of my Wesleyan friends over the years and was in awe of the close friendships we maintained over the years,” writes Natalie Anderson Rauch ’79.
Loisanne Tatum Robins ’79 was happy to see her roommate, Rebecca Tuten McClain ’79, briefly in September. “Bruce and I hope everyone is healthy and safe in the year to come!”
Congratulations to Lynne M. White ’81 who was honored as the 2020 “Woman of Influence” by Commercial Real Estate Women of Orlando. Lynne is a past president of CREW Orlando and is a Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate attorney with Losey PLLLC.
“After 59 years of being single, I married my soul-mate Randy Spiwak on February 6, 2021! Our wedding theme was “A Very Winter Haven Wedding,” held in the Museum of Winter Haven History, in Winter Haven, FL. We had a COVID-compliant wedding and reception with a few family and friends present. We also had 630 others who watched our wedding via Facebook Live!” reports Beth Koon-Spiwak ’83.
Congratulations to Dale Barfield Waters ’89 who celebrated her 30 Year Service Anniversary with The Boeing Company on April 9, 2020. Mom Natalie Brewton Barfield ’54 is very proud, too.
Congratulations to Cathy Lee Taylor ’93 who was promoted to director of adjunct faculty orientation and mentoring in 2020. She wrote a one page devotional for the Upper Room Magazine that was published in the March /April 2021 edition. Cathy hopes everyone is doing well.
“My middle child, Elizabeth Harrell just got married to Quinton McGahee on March 13, 2021. They were married in Warrenton, GA, at his family church and reside in Gibson, GA, where he was reared by his wonderful parents, Julie and Jeff McGahee. I am a very lucky woman, as I have gained an amazing son-in-law and extended family,” says Christina Harp Harrell ’94.
Tanya Alexander ’96 has a target date of August 2023 to complete her Ph.D. in marital and family therapy. She already has earned two master’s degrees - in marital and family therapy and in art therapy.
Esther Celestin ’00 joined an amazing EdTech startup as director of customer success. “We purchased our first home in Fayetteville, GA!” reports Esther.
“My husband Anthony and I have welcomed our first child, Jonathan Isaac Mercaldo, on November 17, 2020. He’s a bright ray of sunshine in our lives, especially in 2020, and we couldn’t be more in love,” reports Pragna Halder ’08.
Congratulations to Nur-Taz Rahman ’10, who completed her 18-month Simbonis Fellowship at Yale University’s Cushing/Whitney Medical Library in January 2021. She now works for 10x Genomics, Inc., where she is putting her Ph.D. from Yale (cell biology) to good use.
Congratulations to Shui Yu ’11 who started a new job at Compenia as a consultant. She previously worked as a compensation consultant/project manager at Willis Towers Watson. “I’m happy to help Wesleyan in any way - to refer students for internship and job opportunities! I sure miss the people in the South!” writes Shui.
It’s official! In August 2021, Alaina Avera Harrison ’12 will start the three-year masters of science in counseling program at ULM to become a school counselor!
Betsy W. Herlong ’12 looks forward to June 26, 2021, and her wedding to Adam Powers.
After graduating from Wesleyan Swechhya Shrestha ’13 worked for a year as a research assistant at Brandeis University. She entered Wesleyan University in fall 2014 as a doctoral student in biology and then earned her Ph.D. in neuroscience in May 2020. Swechhya is currently employed at McLean Hospital as a research fellow and at Harvard Medical School as a research fellow in psychiatry.
Best wishes to Beth Hurst ’14 who accepted a job offer with the Center for Applied Social Research at the University of Oklahoma. Beginning in August she will be working closely with the National Weather Center and the Center for the Analysis and Prediction of Storms as a postdoctoral researcher!
Diep Nguyen ’14 says it is “so hard to put into words the incredible joy we have, but life comes in full circle when our baby boy, Solal, came into the world on St. Patrick’s Day 2021, eight years after Adi and I met in Northern Ireland! If that isn’t fate idk what is!”
Christina Mayfield ’15 and Matthew Denninghoff are busy making wedding plans.
Congratulations to Amber Davis ’19 who is the new marketing coordinator for Dr. Jennifer Orthodontics in St. Paul, MN.
Valentina Huang ’20 will attend the Jacob School of Music at Indiana University, where she will begin work on a M.M. degree in organ performance in fall 2021.
Rachel Solomon ’20 is a 1st degree connection claims service representative at GEICO. Proud grandmother and one of Wesleyan’s First Five Dyleane Tolbert Taylor ’72 is delighted with Rachel’s position.
Ginny Martin Lawrence ‘45 writes that like many of her class she is at home because of the coronavirus but that they have the help they need. She currently resides in Cincinnati, OH.
Sarah Dukes McKay ’46 was one of 19 women named a notable member of the Association of Junior Leagues International by the Junior League of Greater Lakeland (in 2019). Sarah first became a member of the service organization in 1955 when it was known as the Junior Welfare League. Its main projects at the time were the creation and operation of a “bookmobile” mobile library, providing crutches and braces to children with disabilities, and children’s theater. Since then, Sarah has remained a significant contributor to Lakeland’s civic life and to a lengthy list of nonprofit organizations. Sarah has several WESLEYAN FIRSTS that include being the first woman to be the chair of Lakeland Regional Health and the first female president of the board of trustees at Florida Southern College. She has also been declared a “Great Floridian” by the State of Florida!
“I was a day student my freshman year (1946) and was married in my sophomore year to William I. Weaver, whose mother and her four sisters were all Wesleyan grads. As adjunct faculty I taught ballet classes from 1980-1083,” writes Jean Evans Weaver ’49.
Anne McKay Garris ’51 has many family ties to Wesleyan. “Both of my grandmothers, Mary Hitch and Annie Anderson, my sister Mary McKay, several cousins, as well as my mother Frances Peabody McKay, graduated from Wesleyan.”
“My daughter, Amanda, celebrated her 60th birthday in Mau, HI. Her daughter, Penelope, was married in Tampa, FL, in June in a lovely ceremony. My younger daughter, Adriene, has twins who graduated valedictorian at MBS in Berlin, MD, in June. I remember my wonderful professors and classmates at Wesleyan in 1951 and I appreciate my excellent education,” reports Robin Chesney Hopkins ’51.
Alice Williams Jarnagin ’52 moved to Highland Hills in 2019 to be near her children in Watkinsville, GA. She shares that while many of the Wesleyannes she kept up with have passed away, she has wonderful memories of her years at Wesleyan. Alice is glad Wesleyan is still preparing the younger generation for the future.
Claire House-Dodd ’53, is incredibly proud of her granddaughter, Denver Turner Payne ’20, who has passed the State Nursing Board and is now working at Navicent Health Hospital in Macon. Of Denver, Claire says, “She is a wonderful Christian person, excellent student, and I know she will be a super nurse. Our prayers are that she stays safe and well.” In October, Claire spent time at the Beach Club at St. Simons with friends including Kathy Parham Young ’86. “The Beach Club was perfect in October. No big crowds, masks required, and a lot of spacious patio meals - all delicious and FUN!” writes Claire.
“Even though I transferred to Bama and graduated there, Wesleyan won my heart shortly after I arrived on campus. My three closest friends and roommates (Ann Draughon Lary ’53, Margaret Wingo Carraway ’53, and Peggy Brummitt ’53) have passed away long ago. I just enjoyed my 89th birthday celebration. Daughter Jeannie Marie Norton Rollberg ’79 has retired from teaching at University of Arkansas. Let’s all remember to mask, wash hands, and don’t let anyone come closer than 6 feet!” writes Joan Jennings Norton ’53.
Eleven years ago Lucia Hutchinson Peel Poe ’53 founded the first El Sistema Music program in the South (Durham/Chapel Hill), teaching classical music to inner city at-risk children. Lucia reports, “We are now up to approximately 600 students. The lady I first met from the North Carolina Symphony to produce it for me is now national director of El Sistema USA! They moved the national office of El Sistema USA down from Boston to Durham. I named the program in North Carolina - Kidznotes. ( We are trying to raise $1.5 million! Pray for us, hear!”
Marcia Mallet Ades ’54 sends an update. “We are fine and recently attended grandson Matthew’s wedding in Ft. Worth, TX. LeRoy couldn’t go because he can’t walk without help. He is doing well in a very good nursing home and I can see him almost every day. We now have four great-grandchildren and they are GREAT. Hope to get to Georgia before too long. Love to read 1954 class news in WESmag!”
“I would like to hear from some of my classmates,” writes Marie Benedict Marlowe ’55.
Speaking of her wonderful vacation with her son and grandchildren this past summer, Martha Sisson Gaston ’57 says, “I had a wonderful opportunity to fly to St. Louis, MO, on May 28th and drive to Lake of the Ozarks for a week of vacation with my son, Don, and family members (ages 3 months to 85 years). Don rented a house on the lake with a boat. Three of my grandchildren and four of my great-grands were there. It was a truly grand trip. I feel so blessed to have been a part of this.”
In October, Julie Adams Hawk ’57 enjoyed her 85th birthday with Wesleyan classmates. She talked at length to all her roommates, Jean Middlebrooks Morris, Nan McClellan Flowers, Sylvia VanLandingham Rossiter, and Kay Lough Neely. “Kay and I also attended a luncheon in Monroe for our Colonial Dames of America meeting. Wow! How’s that for a terrific way to celebrate one’s birthday?! Of course, I didn’t talk to all of them the same day, but that way I could stretch the celebration over a long time,” emails Julie.
Sally Thorp Heath ’57 remembers her Wesleyan years as “A Star in the Dark,” and the fun times she shared with her great roomie, Sue Rogers McCright ’57. Sally’s daughter, Holly Heath ’85, teaches math in Albany, GA.
Class of ’57 member Jean Middlebrooks Morris was honored to be invited to return to Highlands, NC, in August 2019 for the opening show of the Highland Cashiers Players, “Dearly Departed.” The show was dedicated to her as the founder and first president (1995-2006). Jean says, “We celebrated 25 years of performing and I feel real pride in this special group!”
Congratulations to Anne Swetnam Barton ’59 and Don who celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary in August 2020!
Class of ’59 members Julie Elliott Greer and Judy Johnson Whitwer both shared fond memories of Wesleyan. Julia said she had a good life at Wesleyan and a great education, and Judy is grateful for her education and friendships.
Kay Carroll Barnes ’60 still enjoys teaching honors math classes at Flint River Academy and says a day without math is a day without sunshine! She shared many family updates: “I saw three of four grandchildren get married in a span of four months. My granddaughter is a speech pathologist and tutors math. One grandson teaches high school math and is head baseball coach. The other grandson’s degree is in IT. I enjoyed helping him with all his high level calculus courses. Proud that they adhered to my math.”
Fellow Class of ‘60 member Lydia Jordan Hickam says she and husband Bill have been married for 58 years, have four children, and have ten grandchildren. Some of her happiest times have been serving in the Episcopal Church, where she has a WESLEYAN FIRST when she became the first woman lay reader in her Diocese in 42 years!
Sandra Combs Lewis ’61 continues to work with the Fore (In) Sight Foundation, established by Wesleyan psychology Professor Emeritus Dr. Bernard C. Murdoch. She continues to stay in touch with many Wesleyan alumnae.
This past year was a big year for Sheila Leto Scott ’61 and her husband, John. Four grandchildren graduated from high school and one graduated from 8th grade. Sheila reported that each graduation was unique because of social distancing and the schools were all very creative in their graduation endeavors.
Carol Anne Rollins Harrison ’62 enjoys senior living at Lanier Village Estates in Gainesville, GA.
Renate Butler Ryan ’63 shares groundbreaking news about her family. “This past year was an unanticipated but deeply rewarding one. My son and his wife, Keith and Yvette Davids, are both Admirals, the first time in US Navy history that a husband and wife hold this rank at the same time. Yvette was Commander of Carrier Strike Force 11 in the Pacific and Keith was Deputy Director of JIATF South in Key West, FL. They have 9-year-old twin boys and no au pair was able to clear security to live on the base, so I was enlisted to run the household, care for the twins, and help entertain other officers and representatives from the 23 countries represented in this operation. What an assignment! My son is a Navy Seal and there were many years we could not even contact each other. Now we enjoy leisurely dinners together on the terrace of the Admiral’s home facing the Gulf of Mexico! What an opportunity!”
Lorinda Lou Beller ’64 is making the most of Covid-19 times on Staten Island, one of the hardest hit of the five boroughs that make up NYC, which had in December 2020 the highest rate of infection in New York. Lou was saddened by the closing of 4600 restaurants in the City with the potential of another 3000 more to close in six months, and by the number of friends who moved away to other states. Instead of all the traveling she had planned, Lou wound up cultivating a vegetable garden and improving the landscaping in her yard. And, she did not let the virus interfere with jigsaw puzzle time at Christmas (a tradition in her family) or the message of hope she sends to Wesleyan friends, “Much love to you. May 2021 be kinder to all of us – and may we all stay healthy.”
Class of ’64 member Linda Maria Willson is creating a new blog about fairy tales and folklore. She is also writing a book using material from her 38 years as a psychotherapist. Her daughter, Sharon Bressoud Mladucky ’92, has a new career which combines her degree in nursing and business while traveling all over the world.
Members of the Class of ’65 have several updates. Tish Ritchie Eppink is now retired from her work as a child counselor/psychologist. She has two wonderful and loved children; an attorney son and a daughter who is a major airline pilot. Tish is staying with her daughter in Bradenton, FL, until she can return home. Diane Estrumse Taylor keeps busy with quilting, crocheting, macrame, and yardwork. She loves reading James Michener novels and her little white Maltese and gray cat keep her company. Sara Bone Fay reports she has been unable to live in her home in Panama City since Hurricane Michael hit in 2018. It’s still being worked on!
“Ralph and I have sold our lake home (after three years on the market) and downsized to the Birmingham area where our children and grandchildren live! It was very hard to leave Lake Mitchell after 15 years and so many wonderful memories. But we knew it was the right thing to do at this time in our married life. As the years will present their new challenges, we feel that city living will be the right place for us. Plus we have more time with family and our children and grans. Make no mistake, this move was difficult; still way too many boxes and “stuff.” But, we are happy seniors! Gathering for the holidays will be at our new place this year! Yeah! Be well all...” writes Jane Silverman Mason ’66.
Nan McWilliams ’66 is a proud great aunt. “My dear, great nephew, J.T. Hill, is attending Clemson University in SC as a freshman. He has made the competitive Clemson Band Drum line, playing ‘the quads’ - four drums hooked together. His little sister, Sarah, is a junior in high school and will hopefully be a Wesleyanne in three years. They are both faithful Christians, smart, kind, and giving teenagers. To God be the Glory...” writes Nan.
Lin Carter Puster ’66 moved closer to her two daughters after the death of her husband, Jim. She now lives in Woodstock, GA, and has four grandchildren to keep her company and says, “Life is great!”
Geranne Hutchinson Mills ’68 has an update from Kansas. “My husband and I are still raising cattle outside of Burden, KS. As we get older, our herd gets smaller. As our land begins to grow smaller we sell off some of it. We do not cover as much territory as in the past. Also, it is cold in the winter. Always missing classmates at reunions. As we started to make some plans to travel, COVID-19 hit the country, so traveling is postponed again. We are healthy and very grateful to be so. Tending cattle is also a relief in that we can get out in the fresh air and move about. No social distancing required for cattle!”
Susan Jones Shulman ’68 sent an update. “We have downsized a bit and no longer have to climb stairs! Our new home is in Jacksonville, FL.”
Congratulations to Sharon Malone Boyd ’69 and husband Rand who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary with a trip to Turks & Caicos in 2019. They have moved to Gainesville, GA, and Gallatin, TN. Sharon has retired after 46 years of teaching voice.
Lindy Anderson ’71 remembers her 1969 trip to Europe with Tena Roberts ’60 and Miss Ann Munck ’38. “I had lots of fun and have many fond memories!”
Dick and Susan Wyllys Wallace ’72 are both retired. They enjoy spending time at home in Savannah and in the mountains - Blowing Rock, NC.
Members of the Class of ’73 share good news! Janie Mays reports that she is busy, happy, and healthy, and that she will always want to give back to Wesleyan so that others find their place as she did. Janice sends her love to all. Anne Thornton Reynolds ’73 loves being a “professional grand-mommy” after retiring from Mohawk Industries after 28 years! She and Randy have one 18-month-old grandson, Harter James Reynolds, and expected another grandson mid-December! Susan Paul Tyler ’73 has finished her PhD while working fulltime, meeting a life goal! Susan now has more time to spend with her grandchildren: 4-year-old Corbin and 18-month-old Thalia, who are her daughter Lauren’s children. Susan says this helps her live up to her graduation t-shirt which says “Never underestimate a Grandma with a PhD!”
From Brewton, AL, Marina Showalter Chancery ’75 reports that she has seven grandchild that are very special to her. She is retired now and enjoys gardening and playing her auto harp with husband Roy on guitar.
Elizabeth Cariker Guenther ’75 reports, “My dear Dad and lifelong Wesleyan supporter, Rev. Carl Eugene Cariker, passed away on April 26, 2020, at the age of 93. He was a retired United Methodist pastor in the South Georgia Conference, living on St. Simons Island, GA. We have enjoyed having two of our eight grandchildren and youngest of our five kids living with us for a while. Had a wonderful week in August 2020 touring the Biltmore Estate and viewing the Downton Abbey exhibit!” (See Sympathy, Winter 2020 WESmag)
Patti Henry ’76 retired in September 2019! She has moved to Colorado to be close to her husband’s three children and four grandchildren and hopes that her daughter will move there also!
We send condolences to Joye Mims Preston ’76 on the death of her mother, Joyce Andrew Bledsoe ’50, in July. (See Sympathy, Winter 2020 WESmag)
Congratulations to Carol Brooks ’77 who has joined Ameris Bank as a senior vice president, commercial banker in Savannah. She will be responsible for expanding commercial banking relationships throughout the area. With more than 20 years of banking experience, Carol is an expert in the industry. Carol received her MBA from Florida Atlantic University. She is active in the Savannah community and currently serves as the board of directors’ vice chair for the Small Business Assistance Corporation (SBAC) of Savannah. In 2018 and 2019, she received the SBAC Lender of the Year award. In addition, Carol is a member of the Propeller Club of the Port of Savannah, Women’s Council of REALTORS,® Rotary Club of Savannah South, and REALTORS® Commercial Alliance.
Also enjoying her retirement is Kym Richards Denmark ’78, who loves caring for her seven grandchildren!
Mary McMillan Jones ’78 lost her husband, John, to Alzheimer’s in 2016 after 59 years of marriage. On April 4, 2020, she married Lewis N. “Woody” Jones. The marriage was livestreamed on Facebook due to COVID-19 restrictions. Mary and Woody look forward to many travels and happy adventures!
Dr. Katherine Breland Bradley ’79 sends greetings from Nerja, Spain, where she and husband Neil Midkiff live. Katherine has 30 years of experience in the field of education (domestically and internationally) as a teacher, coach, and administrator.
Amy Miller Braun ’79 shared, “I am writing to express my deepest thanks for all the notes, messages, and cards I received from my Wesleyan sisters when my mother died in June, 2020. I had no idea so many would remember her from our class. The messages reminded me again of how unique the bonds of friendship we made 40 years ago are, and still continue to mean so much. Although retired for several years from the NC University system, I continue to do contract work and currently work remotely in two assignments. We are still in the process of moving into a permanent home in the NC mountains.” (See Sympathy, Winter 2020 WESmag)
Covid-19 did not slow down the work of Eloise Terrell Gray ’80. Her ministry, Touching the Heart of God, fed more than 6000 meals to needy children in Kenya and the ministry is now doing Saturday meals.
Congratulations to the new Director of Library Services Beth Parker Davis ’83 at Stratford Academy’s Olson Library in Macon, who continues to enjoy her new position. Beth also was recently named to the prestigious Atlanta Speech Schools Board of Advisors for a second term.
Beth Koon ’83 has happy news to report. “I’m engaged to be married February 6, 2021! It's my first (and only!) time to walk down the aisle. My lucky man is Randy Spiwak and we will have a ‘Very Winter Haven Wedding!’”
Mary Carole Fisher Battle had to postpone her graduation until 1985, but still considers herself a Green Knight from the Class of ’84. We send sympathy to Mary Carole on the death of her mother, Sarah Jane Wittstruck ’59, in October 2020. (See Sympathy, Winter WESmag 2020)
Karol “Jeannie” Cheng ’87 writes from Taiwan that she has been back in Taiwan for 15 years and says hello to Mandy Robinson ’89. She encourages alumnae in Taipei to please reach out!
Condolences to Maricka “Ricky” Rogers-Randall ’88 on the loss of her daughter, Emily Schwinabart, on April 13, 2020. (See Sympathy, Summer WESmag 2020)
Congratulations to Macon’s own Saralyn Collins ’90 whose restaurant, Grow, won a 2020 Silver Spoon Award from Georgia Trend magazine (Oct. 2020 issue). This year the Silver Spoons spotlighted restaurants and food service people who have stepped up during the coronavirus pandemic in unusual and direct ways. Saralyn was commended for her work to provide free or discounted meals to local businesses and agencies such as Feed the Fight with Navicent Health, Meals on Wheels, The Mentor’s Project, and UCreate Macon, despite the great personal loss of income from her own catering business. To offset her losses, Saralyn started a new casserole business, supported by Macon customers and by Wesleyan classmates. (See article, Winter 2020 WESmag)
Lindsay Abernethy ’00 has been on the move. She and her three dogs and three horses recently moved from Colorado (where she has lived for the past eight years) to Montana. Lindsay attended law school at the University of Montana and fell in love with the state when she was a student. She plans to continue practicing law in Montana and managing her non-profit welfare organization, Southern Mutts Rescue, Inc. Lindsay invites Wesleyan classmates to come visit her!
Congratulations to Mo Riley-Guiberteau ’00 on her marriage to Missy Riley on November 7, 2020. Many Wesleyannes were in attendance to surround them with love and joy! (See Marriages, Winter 2020 WESmag)
Congratulations to Lisa Sloben ’00 who earned her ALM degree in Museum Studies from Harvard University. At Wesleyan, Lisa works with trustee relations for the institutional advancement office and serves as curator of collections at the College, where she is also an adjunct professor.
Kris Mayrhofer Justice and EJ Justice ’02 moved to Frankfurt, Germany, in December 2019. Kris is managing a team in Europe for an American company. EJ is getting ready to start German courses, and the twins are starting 1st grade at the neighborhood school!
Congratulations to Hope McMichael Pendergrass ’03 who is now a partner with Mauldin & Jenkins, LLC, in Macon. Hope joined the firm after graduation and her expertise covers a wide range of state and local governments. Hope is a member of the American Institute of CPAs, the Georgia Society of CPAs, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), and is involved in the Georgia Government Finance Officers Association. She also serves on the GFOA’s Special Review Committee and performs reviews of Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) as part of GFOA’s Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Program. Most recently she was named Mauldin & Jenkins’ lead compliance audit technical partner. Hope has volunteered with various organizations in the Middle Georgia area including United Way of Central Georgia, Distinguished Young Women of Monroe and Bibb Counties, and Wesleyan College. Hope and husband Derrick have one son, Corbin.
Congratulations to Lauren Haney Provost ’03 who is the new director of development at Harvard’s Chan School of Public Health. After nine years at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, she accepted this new position in Boston. “I am eager to connect with alumnae in the New England area as my husband and I prepare our housing search,” writes Lauren.
Lauren Hamblin Beaty ’06 is the new coordinator of the Macon Works Project at the Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce. Congratulations, Lauren!
Wesleyan Trustee Amy Fletcher ’06 is a new associate at Smith, Welch, Webb & White, LLC. After practicing law in Macon for almost eight years (and working as an auditor for a few years prior to law school) Amy says, “I’m excited to be moving back home to the family farm in Jackson, GA, to live and work. Best wishes, Amy!
Kudos to Dr. Robyn Grimes Gobin ’06 whose book, The Self-Care Prescription: Powerful Solutions to Manage Stress, Reduce Anxiety, and Enhance Well-Being, was featured in the July/August 2020 issue of Essence magazine. Robyn is a licensed clinical psychologist and assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. She is a nationally recognized expert on interpersonal trauma, women’s mental health, and the cultural context of trauma recovery in the African American community. “Having my book featured in Essence is a dream come true,” says Robyn.
Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie ’06 enjoys her medical practice EmbraceYOU Weight & Wellness Internal Medicine/Primary Care in Silver Spring, MD. An ABIM Diplomate, Sylvia is also a member of the American Board of Obesity Medicine.
Congratulations to Dr. Manira Rayamajhi ’06 who joined Seelos, a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on the development of therapies for central nervous system disorders and rare diseases, in July 2020 as Seelos’ associate director, Global Regulatory Affairs. Manira has ten years of experience spanning multiple therapeutic areas and in all phases of development. She was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill for five years and previously worked at Carmago Pharmaceutical Services, Syneos Health, and MMS Holdings in various capacities. A biology and chemistry major at Wesleyan, Manira holds a PhD in Immunology from the University of Colorado Denver.
Congratulations to Jessica Dermody Gibson ’08 on her marriage to Tracy Austin Gibson on October 27, 2019. (See Marriages, Winter 2020 WESmag)
Kate Zaiger ’09 is currently working on her MPH at the Harvard School of Public Health (T. H. Chan School of Public Health). She was recently featured in the South China Morning Post for her work in Epidemiology.
Congratulations to the new Senior Vice President of Brand Sarah Hudson ’11, who works for Girlfriend Collective, a company that specializes in minimal, eco-friendly activewear that is ethically manufactured using recycled materials (water bottles and fishing nets!).
Dr. Aditi Dey (Arputharaj) ’13 completed her pediatric residency program at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in June 2020. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Brooke Hester Stanley ’18 on the birth on her twins! (See Births, Winter 2020 WESmag)
Congratulations to Auburn Davidson ’17 who received her JD degree from Mercer University’s Walter F. George School of Law in December 2020. Proud mother is Tara Joyner Haussler ’90.
Amber Davis ’19 is the new marketing coordinator for Dr. Jennifer Orthodontics in St. Paul, MN.
Monique Samson Dempsey ’48 is well and living at home with her daughter. Her two sons and three grandsons visit regularly. Youngest grandson Nate graduates from Harvard College in May.
Mimi Roads Griffith ’49 writes, “I still remember Wesleyan with love and appreciation for a wonderful education and special memories.”
Jane Chandler Rhodes ’49 shares, “I’m expecting my 6th great-grandchild this summer. Two of them live in the house in which I grew up in Greensboro, GA.”
“Daughter Jeanne Norton Rollberg ’79 reminded me on my 88th birthday that should we add together our ages, we’d be 150 years old!” writes Joan Jennings Norton ’53.
“I am sad to report the loss of my daughter, Susan, in December (13, 2019). She attended the last two reunions with me and fell in love with Wesleyan and my wonderful classmates. It amazed and delighted her to see the bonds of sisterhood continuing long after graduation. My love and prayers for health to you and your loved ones,” reports Harriett Willis Bevil ’54.
“It has been a sad year for us in the loss of our oldest son, Sydney Brown Freeman, Jr., to suicide. Be assured the Lord has blessed us with loved ones to help us through this situation.
We received cards from several of my Wesleyan classmates, for which we are thankful,” reports Natholyn Miller Freeman ’54.
Lloyd Young Flanders ’56 enjoys playing bridge, reading, and serving on the Altar Guild in Darien, GA. “I have traveled extensively and have been to 70+ countries on all the continents,” writes Lloyd.
“We are blessed to have three children, nine grandchildren, and five great-grands. Even though they are scattered about – living in DC, London, Geneva, France, and in the US, we manage to see them all at least once a year. I enjoy book club, music, Emory board, conservation/environment, cabin life, French group, walking every day, good friends, and good health,” writes Mary Emma Welch McConaughey ’56.
According to Julie Adams Hawk ’57, “2019 has been a great year to talk with classmates: Jean Middlebrooks Morris, Nan McClellan Flowers, Maria Higgins, Mary Pierpont “Pont” Hall, Sylvia Vanlandingham Rossiter and Joan Maddox Sammons. Let’s keep in touch friends! Facebook and email can be fun for sharing good times.”
Congratulations to Nancy Doss Holcombe ’58 who welcomed her 11th great-grandchild into the world on October 25, 2019. “She is my third great-granddaughter,” reports Nancy.
“Blessed! Three children (ages 55, 61, and 62). Seven grands (ages 31 to 38). 11 great-grands (ages 1 year to 11 years). My oldest grandchild, Elisa Wallace, has become well known as a combined training competitor (3 day events) and trainer of American Mustangs and off-the-track thoroughbreds. She recently moved from Jasper, GA, to Ocala, FL,” writes Medra Lott Keyser ’58.
Condolences to Harriett Johnson Bell ’59 whose husband, Melvin P. “Mel” Bell, died on February 2, 2019. “I have Parkinson’s, yet everything else is okay,” writes Harriett. (See Sympathy)
In Macon, Carol King Pope ’59 is enjoying good health, keeping busy, and still doing a little painting… “and still a Golden Heart.”
Gloria Boyette ’60 and husband Frank Corker are enjoying life in Valdosta, GA. Frank’s mother was a Conservatory alumna and Gloria has enjoyed reading through his mother’s Wesleyan annuals.
Robert Karski, husband of the late Barbara Williams Karski ’60 who died on
March 27, 2020, remembers his wife of 31 years. “Barbara battled lymphoma and many complications during the last 2-1/2 years. She studied music, especially organ at Wesleyan. She was the music and choir director for many churches and evolved to become a landscape designer who created gardens in California, Massachusetts, and North Carolina. She loved her son, Wesley, her four adopted sons, and her cat, Rodie. Barbara loved LIFE. Her last words were ‘Let’s Go!’”
Members of the Class of 1964 remember the late Carol “Moon” Burt. “I am writing this annual fund check with tears thinking of our beloved classmate that was the Class of 1964’s leader. She is so loved and will continue to be,” writes Fran Strickland Massee ’64.
“I am sorry about my friend - Carol “Moon” Burt’s passing. She was a blessing to the Class of 1964. I’ll miss talking to her,” says Linda Poole McCurdy ’64.
“I miss all of you! Easter inspiration continues,” writes Andrea R. Moody ’64.
Linda Maria Willson ’64 is at last fully retired and enjoying every minute. “I thought I would go back to acting, but I can’t learn lines anymore. So, I am attempting assemblage, card making, creative books, and decoupage.”
Congratulations to Helen Kendall Elder ’65 and her husband, Rob, who will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this year.
“Am still after all these years thrilled and thankful I had four years at Wesleyan. Wesleyan gave me MUCH MORE than classes,” writes Leticia “Tish” Ritchie Eppink ’65.
Sally Eisen Miller ’65 remembers, “On June 1, 2019, a light went out in the Miller household in the Houston, TX, community. My husband, David Miller, passed away.
Jane Silverman Mason ’66 reminisces about her Wesleyan Days. “Purple Knight class...Volunteered at the Georgia School for the Blind in Macon during my sophomore year...Wesleyan trip to Washington, DC, in 1962 - studied different departments of government and visited historical monuments - a wonderful trip with Wesleyan sisters! Freshman year served on the student council for Wortham Hall dorm...And lots of fun weekend trips to Atlanta...That’s all I can remember!”
Margaret “Dee” Thompson Monahan ’67 reports, “My dad has joined my mom at Arlington National Cemetery. He was 96, she 91. Very special parents as ours are. Retirement is busy and we are mostly healthy. Keeping up visually with great grand nieces and nephews. Technology!”
Barbara Marble Tagg ’69 has been appointed ACDA Florida State Chair for Women’s Choirs and continues to conduct. Her plans to found the Adironduck Youth Choir are on track for July 2020. Barbara says, “I was honored deeply to have conducted the choir at my 50th-reunion Morning Watch memorial service.”
Condolences to Lana Tygert Griner ’70 whose mother passed away in March 2019 at the age of 92.
Diane Dennington Robertson ’70 is proud of her granddaughter, Christine Buck. “I am thrilled that my granddaughter is a freshman! She has wanted to attend Wesleyan since she first heard about it. She certainly appreciates the Legacy Scholarship.”
“I’m very grateful to the faculty and colleagues at Wesleyan for a wonderful undergraduate education in music,” writes Jane Magrath ’72.
Congratulations to Tina Farkas Williams ’74, who is celebrating the 45th anniversary of her theatre company, Young Actors Theatre, where she is still very active. Tina misses her mom, Betty Anderson Farkas ’42, who died in 2013 and her dear husband, John, who passed away in 2016. Her daughter, Worth, lives in Grand Rapids, MI. Tina has two wonderful grandchildren!
Mary Messner Lewis ’75 shares an update on her life. “Married. Met my husband when I was in the USAF (1975-1978), but married many years later in 2005. He is retired USAF. I was an RN from 1984 until I fully retired in 2017 (had partially retired in 2011). Specialized in 3 areas: ER/Critical care, Public Health, and Psychiatry. Lots of work with children/families in my latter career. Mother of one son who is 39 and have two granddaughters, one age 10, the other age 4. I have many interests and areas of study and love to travel! I went to Europe for the first time in the summer of 2019 to Ireland. I teach yoga and gentle aerobic dance for women, targeting women who are older and/or have medical issues.”
“Jean and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary. My novel The Oystercatcher’s Cottage is due for release in May 2020. We traveled to Ireland two years in a row. In April we had an adventure gem mining in North Carolina. My daughter is an award winning creative director and choreographer at The Force Dance Academy in Richmond, KY. My son started film at the University of Wisconsin. Busy years ahead!” writes Wendy Eastman Becker ’77. Condolences to Wendy on the death of her uncle, Jack Eastman, on August 28, 2019.
Congratulations to Lisa Martin Darden ’80 who has retired after teaching for 31 years in Cobb County schools.
Monique Martin Whorton ’81 shares a Wesleyan family love story. “My mother, Virve Paul Martin ’52, and my father, Albert Lynn Martin ’53, celebrated their 91st birthdays this year, as well as their 67th wedding anniversary. They moved to Tennessee to live with us on our property but have their own home. They talk often about the Thanksgiving at Wesleyan when they met. They also fondly remember the dances from their courtship days at both the Conservatory and the Rivoli campus. They have three daughters, although I am the only Wesleyanne. They have six grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and one great-great-grandchild. My parents have been blessed with long, healthy lives and we are grateful Wesleyan brought them together.”
“I’m still happily working as a Performance Improvement for BayCare Health Systems in the Tampa Bay area of Florida. In addition to earning a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt in 2016, I also earned the Lean Bronze Certification from the Society of Mechanical Engineers in late 2019. What a feat for a psychotherapist! I’m still a community volunteer. As board president of the Humane Society of Polk County, I am involved in fundraising activities to support Central Florida’s FIRST No-Kill Shelter. Fun is always involved in these FUNdraisers....a great one is our upcoming Critter Cruise. I also volunteer with the Winter Haven Charity Challenge, Restaurants Against Hunger, and lots of community events. Looking forward to reuniting with the Green Class of 1980 and my little Red Sister Class of 1985 at Alumnae Weekend in September,” writes Beth Koon ’83.
Wadra Garner McCullough ’83 writes, “I am grateful to have known Tena Roberts ’60! She was a joy and such a keeper and sharer of knowledge!”
Marianne R. Brotschul ’85 announces, “Great news! My great niece Lauryn DiGiovanni has been accepted into the Wesleyan Class of 2024! I am so happy and excited for her, knowing she will not only receive a life-long body of knowledge, but that she will have the best college experience available!”
Carol Durham Taylor ’85 is giving back to her community in Burlington, NC, where she serves as the creative/art director at The Eugenia M. Durham Foundation and Center for the Arts which she founded in January 2018 and opened in March 2019. Named for her late mother, The Rev. Dr. Eugenia M. Durham, who encouraged Carol to follow her dreams as a child when she drove Carol to art, cello, orchestra, piano, and ballet lessons....every day after school, the Center will provide children, young people, and adults in Burlington the same kinds of opportunities that Carol’s mother gave to her.
Jill Amos ’87, director of disability and advocacy services at Wesleyan, was honored with the SGA Faculty/Staff Workhorse Award for the fourth consecutive year during Wesleyan’s virtual Honors and Awards Day convocation in April.
Kudos to Jody Bethea Riggs ’88 who was recently named to the 2020 Forbes Top Women Wealth Advisors list. Achieving this national recognition is an honor that symbolizes high ethical standards, quality of service, and success in business. Jody’s oldest daughter, Mary Katherine, is in the middle of a 3-year doctoral program at Samford to become a nurse anesthetist. Younger daughter Sarah Beth is working for the Chattanooga Food Bank and is on the front lines of meeting so much need brought on by the financial implications of this pandemic. “Damon and I are still going in to the office, but all client meetings are virtual and many of our staff are working from home,” says Jody.
In May, Pennsylvanians for Modern Courts (PMC) held its annual Spring into Action Benefit as a virtual event, where the University of Pittsburgh’s Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Legal Officer Geovette Washington ’89 was honored. She received the Judge Justin Johnson Award for her dedication to PMC’s mission and involvement in civic engagement initiatives throughout Pittsburgh. Geovette also serves on PMC’s Board of Advisors.
Cheryl Kirk Westmoreland ’93 is proud of daughter Sydney Lafferty who started at Wesleyan in August 2018, enlisted in the US Army Reserves in 2019, and attends ROTC at Mercer University while attending Wesleyan. Cheryl was promoted to chief legal counsel, Suncoast Region, Florida Department of Children and Families, on July 1, 2019.
Condolences to Jane Carver Kimbrel ’94 whose mother, Gwin Carver, passed away on December 24, 2019. “I have wonderful memories to treasure, including how she cheered me on during every opportunity at Wesleyan,” writes Jane.
Congratulations to Shelby A. Smith ’98 and Kimble Sorrells who welcomed their daughter Evie in 2019.
Janice Roberson Anderson ’00 is married to Maurice Anderson and they have three daughters, ages 20, 10, and a 2 month old. “Our precious baby girl, Journey Monaé, made her debut on April 2, 2020.
Congratulations to Lareine Danforth Archer ’00 who graduated in December with an associate’s degree in nursing. She started a new RN position in Medical ICU at CMC Main in Charlotte, NC.
Amanda Driggers Grau ’00 has started her own bookkeeping business.
Congratulations to Tiffany T. Noell ’00 and her spouse who recently adopted two little boys, Ben and Elliot.
Amy R. Stone ’00 sends an update. “After serving on active duty as a JAG officer for 10 years, I was medically retired in May 2019 at the rank of Major. I’m currently of counsel at a world-wide military law firm, where I specialize in criminal defense, medical separations, and military board of corrections work. I work from home in Savannah, where I live with my husband, Alex, and our two amazing pups.”
Tonya Parker ’01, assistant dean for equity and inclusion at Wesleyan, was honored as SGA Staff Member of the Year during Wesleyan’s virtual 2020 Honors and Awards Day convocation. Congratulations!
Silla Sumerlin ’02 says, “Ummmm. STUNT
After graduating from Wesleyan, Irina Tanurcov ’05 worked for LUKOIL as a translator before entering law school at Harvard. She earned her JD in 2011 and was hired and worked as an attorney for Snell & Wilmer LLP in Phoenix, AZ, until 2014. In addition to food blogging for Foodjoya since 2017, she is the co-founder of Celebrista LLC, an event planning service. Check it out!
“I have relocated, with my husband and daughter, to the Houston area of Texas. We live in a small town an hour south of the big city, and 30 minutes north of the beach. My husband was recently ordained as a minister of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and has been installed on his first call to a small church here. We had a daughter who was stillborn this past June, and many of my Wesleyan classmates sent cards, called, or visited, which brightened the days. We celebrate and mourn all of the changes that have come our way recently, as we look forward to the future with hope for what God has for us,” writes Shelly Walden Gable ’06.
Check out the Pink Chief Boutique in Macon and say hello to Anissa Jones MBA ’06 who is the owner.
In April, Jan Giles Tedders ’08, systems administrator at Wesleyan, was presented with a 2020 Presidential Staff Award during Wesleyan’s virtual Honors and Awards Day convocation. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Natalie Chapman ’10 who married Kyle Bryant of Savannah, GA, on October 19, 2019.
Kathryn “Kat” Quirk ’10 recently accepted a position as production manager at the South Bend Civic Theatre in South Bend, IN. She and husband Alex also welcomed their first child, Zelda Faye Bobbs, on February 23, 2020.
Chelsie E. Dunn ’11 and Michael C. Brown were married on August 11, 2018, in Newnan, GA.
Kyla Wall Burns ’12 sends an announcement. “Our second child, Rose Ella Burns, was born August 8, 2019, joining big brother Harrison - age 2! I was also recently promoted to director of marketing at Frances Mahon Deaconess Hospital.
Hannah Jahant Glazebrook ’13 sends a life happenings update. Hannah married in 2011 and had a baby boy in December 2014. She earned her master’s degree in 2016 with 4.0 GPA. Hannah currently works at Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico as a design researcher/user experience designer.
Ashlee G. Day ’14 started a new job as an assistant director in the Office of Multicultural Affairs at Seattle University in November 2019.
Rebecca D. Navarre ’14 shares news. “PK 14, graduated a year early with the Pirates of 2013, married Jason Peterson last October in Bourne, MA.”
Esiri Tasker ’14 is now Esiri Tasker-Armstrong. She and Demerest Armstrong married on October 5, 2019, in Atlanta. Classmates who were bridesmaids included Paula Lockhart, Ashlee Day, and Brittainee ReChele Lee.
Congratulations to Kelli M. Kushinka ’15 who married Philip Knauer on March 21, 2020.
Allison Callaway Pierce ’15 is the program coordinator for an internal medicine residency at Coliseum Medical Center. She says she thinks of Wesleyan often and misses everyone!
“I am recently engaged,” reports Mellissa K. Webb ’17. Mellissa is a 4th-grade-level chair and team leader at her school. She also is the pitching coach for her high school alma mater.
Xin “Catherine” Tang ’18 lives in Arlington, VA, and works at Bates White. She earned her M.A. degree in economics from Columbia University.
In August 2019, Melissa Latimer ’19 moved to Texas to begin an Americorps service year with Literacy First.
File it in the category of a “small Wesleyan world” event when current senior Renee Gable ’20 returned from completing her full time student teaching in Bahrain with Wesleyan’s DODEA partner school on the island. Prior to returning, she interviewed for a position at the Modern Knowledge School, 5 minutes away from the DODEA partner school, where Keneithia Cook ’06 is the assistant principal! Renee was hired and will return to the island to live and teach once she’s completed her degree in August.
Winter 2018 to Summer 2019
Bettye Withers Barnes ’42 is 98 years young and still volunteering. She is a member of her church’s mission committee in Jacksonville, FL. “I am proud to be a Wesleyan graduate.”
Emily Bradford Batts ’46 has lived at Carriage Club in Charlotte, NC, for ten years. Emily writes, “I have three daughters and four grandchildren and five great-grands!” Our sympathy to Emily on the death of her husband, Larry, in February. (See Sympathy, WESmag Summer 2019))
“I’m 93 as are my classmates and I live at Brandon Wilde Retirement Community in Evans, GA,” writes Jacqueline “Jackie” Lamm Souder ’46. “Lots of aches and pains but doing ok.”
Gerry Farrar-Thomas ’47 of Jacksonville, FL, says “I’m apparently in pretty good health, amazing since I turned 92 in February. I’m blessed that I can walk and drive my car. I do have arthritis in my hands.”
“I went to Wesleyan my freshman year. I loved everything about it - the friends and especially going to church every Sunday with my grandmother. My grandfather had died. He was Bishop W. N. Ainsworth, a former president of Wesleyan College,” writes Mary Ainsworth Mitchell ’47 of Atlanta. I transferred to North GA. I am 92 years old now!”
At 92 I live at home and close to my daughter, Florence. My sons Roy and Owen live in Boston. I have three grandsons in college or graduated. I last visited my home in France in the spring of 2017,” reports Monique Samson Dempsey ’48.
Reunion Committee: Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn, Emily Hancock Bredeson, and Becky Watson Bowdre
(L-R) Row 1: Becky Watson Bowdre, Betty Mackay Asbury, Emily Hancock Bredeson, Emmie Carlton Johnson Row 2: Jerrye Griffeth Short, Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn, Julia Weathers Wynne
Mimi Roads Griffith ’49 of Palmetto, GA, had her second total hip replacement in March. She also had a left total knee replacement. Mimi missed reunion due to the surgeries but sends her love to classmates.
The Oxford (GA) Historical Society’s website features the memoirs of Emmie Carlton Johnson ’49 on its Oxford Storybook link. Emmie’s father was Wilbur “Squire” Carlton who was a professor of foreign languages at Oxford College for 35 years and later served as major of Oxford.
Sara Johnston Fowke ’50 writes, “My husband and I were married for 69 years. He passed away on December 12, 2014.” (See Sympathy, WESmag Winter 2018)
Robin Ann Chesney Hopkins ’51 of Bel Air, MD, remembers the fine arts program at old Wesleyan. It was an outstanding Conservatory!
Mary Baldwin Woodland ’51, of Beaumont, TX, remembers her late classmate Artie Dennis Thevaos ’52. “Artie was a concert pianist and a great artist. She was a pupil of Mrs. Doris O. Jelks at the Conservatory. She and Claire Michaels Murray ’52 and I performed many times together.”
Claire Michaels Murray ’52 of Fort Lauderdale, FL, also has fond memories of Artie Dennis Thevaos ’52. “While at Wesleyan I was a violinist and Artie was my accompanist. More than 300 of our performances were recorded during our lasat 3 years together. (Bill Toole ’49 accompanied in my freshman year). In later years Artie and I played many concerts together and also toured together for performances. Artie was my dearest friend for more than 70 years.”
Patricia “Pat” Murphy Persinger ’52 of Lookout Mountain, TN, is “downsizing” from a four-bedroom home and pool to a two-bedroom condominium on the eastern brow of Lookout Mountain that Joe built a good many years ago. “I’m looking forward to less responsibility!”
Joan Jennings Norton ’53 of Little Rock, AR writes that her daughter, Jeanne Norton Rollberg ’79, retired (after more than 3 decades) from her classroom at Univ. of Arkansas in Little Rock (UALR) but continues her own business pursuits. In February 2019, Jeanne spoke at the Governor’s Convention. “She and I are indebted to Wesleyan for our love of learning and teaching,” says Joan.
Caroline Eagerton Upperco ’53 of Wilson, NC, remembers her family’s big event for last summer. It was the July 2018 wedding of our oldest granddaughter Caroline in Austin, TX. Caroline is a teacher of composition in a private school. She and her husband are both graduates of Wheaton College in IL.” Sadly, Carolyn’s husband, Jesse R. Upperco, died last December. (See Sympathy, WESmag Winter 2018)
Reunion Chair: Ruth White Fruit ’54
(L-R) Row 1: Marilyn Bennett Edwards, Ruth White Fruit, Blaine Ross Shanks Row 2: Joyce Hall Pelphrey, Joyce Paris, Natalie Brewton Barfield, Ann Parsons Odum, Athelyn Wade Buttrill, Natholyn Miller Freeman
From Deridder, LA, Marcia Mallet Ades ’54 writes, “We are doing as well as we can as LeRoy has a constant battle with Parkinson’s disease. We have a great-grandson who just paid us a visit. His mom is a pilot stationed at Warner Robins, GA. Our great-granddaughter lives in San Francisco. Don’t get to see them often enough. I miss Georgia and hope we can visit this summer. But, we are fair and stay busy.”
“I am delighted to report that my first great-grandchild was born 12-4-2017 in Houston, TX, to my first grandchild and wife, Bryan and Sarah Parker. Oliver Hayes greets each day with a smile and is such a joy. Numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins are completely enchanted,” reports Harriett Willis Bevil ’54 from Yantis, TX.
“After my husband’s stroke in August 2017 we were finally able to take a river cruise up the Mississippi from St. Louis to St. Paul. It was just great! We visited a lot of cities we hadn’t seen before,” says Leah Wallat Odden ’54, who lives in Largo, FL, when she is not traveling!
Dr. Leonard Furlow of Gainesville, FL, sends a note about his late wife, Elizabeth “Libby” Truitt Furlow ’55. “I was a fortunate man for the 70 years I knew her. She was lovely to see, interesting, fun, and my social leader. Although she was 10 days into her 85th year when she died, she never got old in my eyes.” Libby volunteered at the First United Methodist Church. She was a member of several organizations including her Garden Club and the Florida Museum of Natural History where she was a docent for 56 years and a board member for 53 years. She accompanied her husband on 50 volunteer surgery trips around the world, working in the operating rooms, clinics, and with families of surgery patients. For many years she served as a Wesleyan alumna hostess in Gainesville.
Mary Clark Webb Lockhart ’55 enjoyed the March alumnae luncheon meeting with President Fowler in Columbus. “I was the oldest one there!”
The WCAA sends our sympathy to Sara Bob Ware Arthur ’56 of Warner Robins, GA, whose husband, Matthew Coan “Matt” Arthur, passed away on December 1, 2018.
From her home in Gainesville, FL, Arline Atkins Finch ’56 sends a note, “Ann Munck ’38 was a very challenging English teacher who was a lifelong influence on my life. How grateful I am to her and to Wesleyan.”
According to Georgia Walton Bradford ’57 her life has slowed enough that she finds time to reminisce...about Dr. Zorin and Dr. Fay. “Being in both the Chorus and the Glee Club were highlights of my Wesleyan days - only three years of them as I married my Air Force husband after my junior year. Adding three children to a family that moved all around the world was challenging. But, I finally graduated (at Wesleyan in 1969), fulfilling my mother’s dream that I’d be a Wesleyan graduate.” Georgia earned a master’s degree in educational administration (Univ. of TX- San Antonio) and a doctorate in 1989. Elected to the Kansas House of Representatives, she become a political force on behalf of students, and was instrumental in getting a doctoral program installed at Wichita State University as well as eliminating out-of-county tuition rates for county colleges throughout the state. Other life experiences included meeting Soong Mei-Ling, attending the funeral of Chiang Kai-Shek, and leading a conference of Education Services Officers (ESO) as the only woman ESO in Europe at the time. Georgia says, “My years at Wesleyan, though interrupted, were foundational as well as inspirational. After a divorce I married Robert W. Bradford. We finally have a one-story home in Plano, TX, and with our adorable dog whose name is ‘Zulu’ we are learning how to live without ‘stress,’” writes Georgia.
“A note of thanks to Julie Adams Hawk ’57, who keeps our class together and up-to-date with one another. She must spend hours doing this each month and it is certainly appreciated,” writes Martha Sisson Gaston ’57 from Decatur, GA.
Dr. Carla DuBose Kalec ’57, of Odessa, FL, gave this update, “Doing okay in hot old Florida. I like living in a town house. A great deal of the outside work is done for us. Wish I could see some of you.”
Sue Rogers McCright ’57, from Norcross, GA, gave an update on classmate True Meyer Kelly ’57. “True lives in the mountains of NC and cares for her partner and 20 huskies. She has a contract with NC to teach art that is not part of the regular curriculum in elementary schools. She has been a professional clown trapeze artust and sent me a picture of a current costume. She is still having gallery showings.”
“I now live in a retirement home, The Nottingham, near Syracuse, NY,” reports Julia Stillwell Ketcham ’58. My husband, Ralph Ketcham, died in April 2017.”
In Fernandina Beach, FL, Medra Lott Keyser ’58 is celebrating a new addition to her family. “Eva Elizabeth Bracy, my 11th great-grandchild, arrived February 12, 2019, to parents Elizabeth and Will Bracy. Elizabeth is my granddaughter and she and Will live in Santa Rosa, FL,” reports Medra.
“Mary Louise Rose Ackerman ’58 and I really enjoyed our 60th reunion in April 2018. The College did a super job that weekend. Thanks!” from Lorena Campbell Piper ’58 in Jennings, FL.
“So sorry I had to miss my last reunion of ’58. Life has a way of changing things for us and we don’t get to do the things we’d love to do. Glad so many could make it,” says Carole Kelley Mangham ’58, of Plano, TX.
“I still work as receptionist at my church, FUMC in Longview, TX. All three children doing well. My first grandchild is off to college at Southern Arkansas University. Blessings to the Class of 1958,” from Joan Nachbaur Rathbun ’58.
Reunion Chair: Carol King Pope
(L-R) Carol King Pope, Kitty Vinson Pullen, Manita Bond Dean
Not pictured: Sylvia Anderson Powell
“Dennis is finally retiring and we will become ‘snowbirds’ and winter in sunny Boynton Beach, FL. Loved seeing everyone at Wesleyan in April at the Golden Belles Luncheon. Blessings to everyone,” writes Patricia Shriver Mancuso ’60.
Kate Stickley Watson ’60 has moved to a retirement home in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. “It’s an excellent choice for us!”
“I’m enjoying my 80th year! Maybe old in years but young at heart. Good memories and good friends from college days,” writes Jo Anne Miller Gaede ’61 from her home in Birmingham, AL.
Mary Grace Averett Kay ’61, of Sandersville, GA, sent this note to her classmates. “Dear Classmates: Such great memories of our time at Wesleyan! Now my time is occupied with looking after Billy’s health (had a small stroke 4 yrs. ago), keeping house, and managing my own health which is pretty good. I still sing in the Methodist Church choir and enjoy keeping up with special Wesleyan friends. Would love to hear from you via e-mail.” Sadly, Mary Grace lost her brother, Tarver Averett, in August 2018. (See Sympathy, WESmag Winter 2018)
Sheila Leto Scott ’61 of Dunedin, FL, reminds everyone to remember all Wesleyannes impacted by Hurricane Michael, especially those who live in the Florida panhandle.
Austell, GA, resident Ellen Weldon Dukes ’62 sang in a concert celebrating the 100th anniversary of Leonard Bernstein’s birth. Ellen writes, “In May 2018, I sang with the Atlanta Symphony Orchestra (ASO) Chorus in a production of Leonard Bernstein’s operetta Candide - a joint production of the ASO and the Alliance Theatre. I have enjoyed singing with the ASOC since the Robert Shaw days.”
Carol Anne Rollins Harrison ’62, writes, “In spring 2018, my high school celebrated our 60th reunion. As a special treat, we were guests of Rhoda Morrison Joyner ’62 and her husband. We enjoyed remembering our high school and our days at Wesleyan – so many memories.”
Myrna Hicks Korb ’63, lives in Brunswick, GA, where she is still organist at First Presbyterian, Brunswick. “I occasionally join my harpist daughter playing in Irish session band (pennywhistle) in Jacksonville, FL. I lost my husband of 30 years in November 2017.” (See Sympathy, WESmag Winter 2018)
Reunion Committee: Moon Burt, Sissy Sims, and Lorinda Lou Beller
(L-R) Row 1: Jackie Best Jones, Peggy Pierce Chandler, Mary Helen Johnson, Mary Helen Hall Ringe, Diana Jeffreys, Susan Lillyman Hyland, Carol “Moon” Burt Row 2: Frances White Skoglund, Janice Rich Rentz Row 3: Lorinda Lou Beller, Madelaine Mackoul Cosgrove, Mary Helen Pope Daniel, Mary Jo Moody, Sissy Sims Row 4: Suzanne Gosnell Joye Row 5: Barbara Abercrombie, Agnes Albright, Nancy Van Aken Marti, Mary Russell George
The Great Green Knights of 1964 had a wonderful time at our 55th Reunion. Since our 50th, we've been returning to campus every April for a three night hootenanny with our classmates. This year we wore dark green and white scarves at the Annual Meeting. Check us out in our class photo.
Barbara Abercrombie ’64 of Douglas, GA, misses her husband, Bill, who passed away in August, 2017. (See Sympathy, WESmag Winter 2018)
Virginia Bowen Maier ’64, of Lafayette, LA, treasures her precious memories of Wesleyan and of her Class of 1964. “I have hoped in recent years (after retirement) to get to a reunion, but life had other plans - family illness or own health issues - but I never forgot that wonderful year and my great classmates!”
From Lake Mary, FL, Fran Strickland Masse ’64 writes, “Almost forgot (my class gift) but thanks to our leader ‘Moon’ our class always shines! Go Class of 1964!”
Congratulations to Rev. Harriette James Simmons ’64 of Atlanta, on her marriage to Phil Ballard in November 2017. (See Marriages, WESmag Winter 2018)
Peggy Shoemaker Gordon ’65 of Weaverville, NC, writes, “How blessed we are to see our children and grandkids grow in faith and love life! We are so proud of my youngest granddaughter, Sarah. She graduates high school and has earned several scholarships to Vanderbilt University because of her outstanding accomplishments on the violin. Last spring (2018) we attended the graduation and commissioning of our oldest grandson at Virginia Tech. Josh was one of two from the state of Tennessee to receive a full four-year scholarship from the U.S. Navy. He was honored throughout his four years for his special accomplishments in the Corps of Cadets.
As of March 2019, Dr. Sally Eisen Miller ’65, in Houston, TX, reports, “After being flooded by Harvey (first time in 35 years) I am still living in a ‘storage shed’ and still recovering.....maybe by summer.”
Atlanta resident Suzanne Letson Scarbrough ’65 and husband Bill enjoy retirement. Bill is a retired Baptist pastor and Suzanne retired as a school counselor in 2007. “We continue to enjoy our eight grandchildren which include four girls and four boys.”
From South Daytona, FL, Dr. Barbara Clinton ’66 shares, “As one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I am enjoying doing Bible research and sharing the ‘good news’ of God’s word with others. Recently I was able to visit with Bible friends in Taiwan, India, and Portugal. What a wonderful ‘exchange of encouragement.’”
“Since joining the Wesleyan NC Triangle alumnae book club, I enjoy catching up each month with my Wesleyan sisters. The camaraderie shared extends beyond class names and colors to our history and memories of years lived on campus. How fortunate I feel to enjoy these lifelong friendships,” reports Joy Lewis Martin ’66 from Raleigh, NC.
In February, Jane Silverman Mason ’66 and her husband enjoyed attending the winter alumnae dinner with President Fowler in Birmingham. “It was wonderful to meet and greet area Wesleyan alumnae at The Club and to visit with Vivia Fowler, Cathy Snow, and Susan Allen, who shared with us up-to-date information on the many changes that are taking place at the Oldest and Best. We are hoping to enlarge group attendance at our next event,” writes Jane.
“My husband David and I have been traveling again after he recovered from a bout with cancer. We took our 41st cruise in October ’18. We were onboard for 17 days beginning in Montreal, Canada, and disembarking in Ft. Lauderdale. We met 51 years ago on his sailboat and we are still cruising!” says Betty Westmoreland Shuster ’66 of Gainesville, GA.
“Busy year, 3 surgeries, cancer-free, bladder repaired. Yay. Sad November. We lost my dad. He was 96. He made Wesleyan possible for me. We took him to Arlington in the Spring to join my mom. His great heart will be missed,” writes Margaret “Dee” Thompson Monahan ’67 from Babson Park, FL. (See Sympathy, WESmag Summer 2019)
“Our 50th reunion last year (2018) was great - so wonderful to see all the beautiful classmates! This was my first reunion attendance and it was fantastic - great work by the committees. Look forward to the next one!” writes Nancy McMeen Freeman ’68 from Marietta, GA.
Congratulations to Beverly Mitchell ’68 of Woodstock, GA, who received the 2019 Wesleyan Alumnae Award for Distinguished Achievement in a Profession during Alumnae Weekend 2019, amidst cheers from her GK sisters who returned to celebrate with her.
From her home in Cape Charles, VA, Ginger Sanders White ’68 writes, “After our gloriously green 1968 50th reunion last April (2018), we had the added pleasure of a fall gathering in the North Georgia mountains at the home of Beth Rogero Bowen. Our mini reunion included classmates Katherine Wilson Johnson, Vicki Page Jaus, Ellen Beard Martin, Susan Swain Goger, Cheryl Maund Page, Betsy Martin Bunte, Susan Cobleigh, Judy Floyd Bywater, Suzanne Moore McGovern and me, Ginger White. What a fabulous and fun weekend we had - laughing and remembering our Golden Belles reunion and all our wonderful memories of Wesleyan days with our fabulous ’68 sisters!”
Reunion Committee: Betty Hood Lydick (Chair), Karen Garr, Melissa Lane Thomas, Dell Hitchcock Bailey, Ann Kinnick Keane, Alice Peninger Beasley, Dorothy Smith Stewart, and Judy Haisten Gattis
(L-R) Row 1: Patricia Pace Fordham Row 2: Susan Mallory Rylander, Nan Pelle Wuller, Susan Byrd Mathews, Dell Hitchcock Bailey, Sharon Malone Boyd, Angela Fulton Kirby, Pamela Newton Smith, Linda Rich, Nancy Greer, Dotti Smith Stewart, Diana Hall Richardson, Melissa Lane Thomas Row 3: Kay Moses Penzell, Gwynn Johnson Polidoro, Susan Anderson Isaacs Dodson, Dale Parker Craig, Judy Davis Deloach, Louisa Abney-Babcock, Judy Haisten Gattis, Ellen Dekle Alderman, Kay Trowbridge Thomas Row 4: Gena Ware Wilson, Emily Vardaman Adams, Alice Peninger Beasley, Pat Ondo Hurley, Emmaline Haddle Pursley, Susan Ewing Maddox, Karen Garr, Betty Hood Lydick, Lynn Rosenblatt Gatlin Row 5: Carol Broome Fraune, Barbara Marble Tagg, Jan Stewart Cook, Elizabeth Sorrells, Betty Bickerstaff McRae, Cathy Mettetal Caskey, Lane Carr Johnson, Margaret Yarbrough McCranie, Barbara Bugg Row 6: Susan Rogers Mills, Gloria Garrett Seymour, Sally Kohlbacker Oliver, Lou Semler Boyes, Linda Smith Gregg, Janet Burkhalter Haworth, Diane Harrison Smith, Suzanne Woodham Juday, Ann Kinnick Keane, Ann Reaves Burr, Dianne Carstarphen Bowman, June Shiver
“I’m so thankful to be able to celebrate my 50th Wesleyan reunion. I enjoy traveling and did Northern Europe last year. I have been blessed with two grands - Stella (7) and John (10). They are the greatest!” says Ellen Dekle Alderman ’69.
What a fantastic 50th Reunion! It was wonderful to see everyone. I have been teaching voice lessons for 45 years and continue to teach. I enjoy singing for retirement, assisted living, and nursing homes, as well as for senior church programs. I am a singer with the Johns Creek Chorale. As a member of Screen Actors Guild and American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, I continue to audition for TV and film projects which shoot in and around the Atlanta area. My husband Randy and I celebrate our 50th Anniversary in July. Daughter Wendy and her family live outside Nashville, TN. Grandson Tyler is 16 years old,” reports Sharon Malone Boyd ’69 of Duluth, GA.
Lou Ellen Semler Boyes ’69, of Juno Isles, FL, is thoroughly enjoying her three grandchildren, volunteer work, traveling around the world, and photo journaling. She enjoyed her 50th class reunion in April.
“Charles and I celebrated our 50th Anniversary in December (2018) by spending 2 weeks on Maui and the Big Island; we love Hawaii. This year I celebrate my 50th year of teaching literally thousands of students and hopefully making a difference in their lives. I look forward to teaching ELA to many more HS students before Our Lord says, ‘Enough!’” writes Cathy Mettetal Caskey ’69 of Goodyear, AZ.
“I married Anthony T. Fraune, ‘Ted’ in 2014. In April we moved into a home we have just finished building. Come see us,” says Carol Anne Broome Fraune ’69 of Washington, NC.
“Reunion Weekend was wonderful! Being a Golden Belle was so special. I loved seeing so many friends and classmates. I especially enjoyed being with my roommate, Susan Byrd Mathews. We roomed together all 4 years! Our wonderful leader, Betty Hood Lydick, made everything run smoothly. I have several activities that keep me busy. Husband Bates and I are renovating his parent’s home so we can downsize. Now we need to sell our home! We also travel to see our children and grandchildren. We have really enjoyed our 4 Viking river cruises and 1 Viking ocean cruise. I also play mah jongg. I had a Pirate encounter in June (2018) when Susan Albright Gaither ’69 and I ran into each other in Saint Simons at a wedding brunch - what fun!” writes Dell Hitchcock Bailey ’69 from Dalton, GA.
Congratulations to Pat Ondo Hurley ’69 of Columbus, OH, whose poetry book Hard to Swallow (Nightballet Press 2018), written with her late husband, Bill Hurley, was nominated for Ohioana Book Award in 2019. Pat’s poem “Star-Crossed” also was nominated for the Pushcart Prize.
“I designed the stain glass windows for St. Ignatius Church which was built in 1888 for the former slaves here on St. Simons Island, GA, where I live. It has been a joy for me to give talks there to African Americans from the eastern half of our country. Before that I did covers for Christianity Today Magazine, designed rugs for children, scarves, fire screens, a traveling Puppet show with 24- inch puppets, and spent many hours teaching art (ages K-Adults) and doing some art therapy. I treasure my Wesleyan B.F.A. degree and love sharing it daily,” says Mary Beth Taylor Keys ’69.
From Deland, FL, Carolyn Northridge Linder ’69 says she has many fond memories of her years at Wesleyan.
Susan Rogers Mills ’69 in Peachtree City, GA, has news to share. “My husband, Gordon, and I are both retired. He was a pilot for Delta and I taught Gifted students in Fayette County. We have been enjoying our retirement by traveling all over the world. We recently became first time grandparents to Lockley Raelyn Mills, daughter of son Ryan and his wife, Audrey.
“In June, I attended a choral festival in Rome with the Honolulu Chorale. Then went on to Florence, Venice, Sorrento, Naples, and the Amalfi Coast. In addition to singing with the Chorale, I danced hula, sharing a little bit of Hawaii,” writes Linda Lee Rich ’69 from Honolulu. In April, Linda received the 2019 Wesleyan Alumnae Award for Distinguished Service to the Community during Alumnae Weekend. (See Award Recipients, WESmag Summer 2019)
It’s great to connect! Diana Hall Richardson ’69 from Columbus, GA, was so happy that Susan Mallory Rylander ’69 was able to attend the 50th reunion. “She was my roommate in both junior and senior years,” writes Diana.
From Ridgeville, SC, Ann Beard Shahid ’69 has news to share. “Our only child, Daniel, and Katy were married last June (2018). We have our first grand-pup, a mini-Goldendoodle. We actually rescued a Shi Tzu mix 6 months ago - the first pet in our 38 years of marriage.”
Congratulations to Pamela Newton Smith ’69 of St. Simons Island, GA, who received the 2019 Wesleyan Alumnae Award for Distinguished Achievement in a Profession during Alumnae Weekend. (See Award Recipients, 2019 Summer WESmag)
Barbara Marble Tagg ’69 of Sarasota, FL, had a busy musical year. She served as guest conductor in Hong Kong last summer and also adjudicated in New York and in Boston for Choir festivals in 2018. She continues to serve on the Continuo Society Committee for Chorus America, is a new board member for the Gregg Smith Singers in New York City, and serves on the reunion committee for Syracuse University. The Class of 1969 thanks Barbara for conducting the 1969 vocal ensemble that sang at the Morning Watch service during Alumnae Weekend.
Nan Pelle Wuller ’69 is proud of daughter Mary Wuller Senn ’06, who is also a Wesleyan grad!
“I had such fun being with Nancy Lowe Taylor ’68 and her husband, Johnny, when they were here in Fort Worth, TX. Then last summer (2018) I visited with them in their beautiful mountain home! Continual JOY (and activity!) in being with my three grandchildren - ages 7, 5, and 3!” writes Mary Ella Gibson Bernard ’70. Mary Ella also is proud of her Wesleyan lineage. Her great-grandmother, Mary Ella Greene Wilkinson, was a member of the Class of 1876!
Kate Goldman Gholston ’70 sends an update. “Joe and I are splitting our time between Sandestin, FL, and Cashiers, NC. Looking forward to the big 50th in 2020!”
Congratulations to Susan Reynolds Gregory ’70, of Saint Mary’s, GA, whose youngest daughter, Catherine, was married on October 6, 2018, in Savannah, GA.
Great news for pianist Colleen Smith Katsuki ’70 of Lincoln, MA, who auditioned for the Boston Lyric Opera and is now on their “to call” list for accompanists.
Brenda Witham McGinn ’70, of Hilton Head, SC, welcomed her latest grandchildren, Alec and Addie, on May 22, 2018. “I now have eight grandsons and one granddaughter. I do believe she will be very special to her two, no three, brothers and five boy cousins.” Sadly, Brenda lost her husband, Michael, in December 2018. (See Sympathy, WESmag Winter 2018)
Diane Dennington Robertson ’70 is thrilled to be a published choral composer with EC Schirmer! “Dream” was premiered at the Trinity Wallstreet Church in New York City, was part of a music festival last summer in Trier, Germany, and most recently was performed as part of the Colorado Hebrew Chorale’s Kol Nashim in recognition of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. “I discovered the text at the Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem. It was written by a 13-year-old Polish prisoner in the Lotz Ghetto, who was sent to Auschwitz and killed at age 14. I was honored to be the guest of the director, Leah Peer, and I’ve committed to write more music for the women's choir, Kol Nashim,” writes Diane.
Congratulations to Susan Woodward Walker ’70 from Franklin, TN, who was named to the Roll of Honor at the annual meeting of the 2018 Tennessee Society of The National Society of Colonial Dames of America. Conceived in 1941 to commemorate the 50th anniversary and Golden Jubilee of the founding of NSCDA, this distinction recognizes extraordinary service, outstanding leadership, and dedication to the ideals of the Colonial Dames. It is a distinct and special honor to be named by one’s Society for inclusion in the Roll of Honor. Susan received a special Honor Roll badge and her name was inscribed in the Honor Roll (book). Susan is a member of the Nashville Town Committee and served as NSCDA-TN president from 2012-2016. She currently serves on the National Society Board as corresponding secretary (2016-present). On the family front Susan is excited about the engagement of daughter Margaret to Aran Clair. The couple were classmates at Princeton and are involved in alumni activities there. Aran works for IBM and lives in DC. Margaret is looking forward to having her own grant area to administer at NEH.
Kit Johansen Welch ’71 of McDonough, GA, remembers her husband, Buddy. “He was my love, my life, my dear husband who was taken to heaven in March 2018 to be with his Lord. Buddy has reunited in heaven with our dear son, Hunter. I love and miss them both.” (See Sympathy, WESmag Summer 2018).
Last fall, Washington DC resident Col. Kasse Andrews-Weller ’72 was in a collaborative art exhibition with Dapper Bruce Lafitte at Gallery O on H in DC.
“Thank you to all who have sent cards and well wishes during my fight with pancreatic cancer. Your well wishes and prayers have given me strength and courage during this difficult time,” writes Becky Jones Brock ’72, from her home in Ringgold, GA.
Riverdale, GA, resident Sonya Tomlinson Holland ’72 is proud to be one of the “First Five” to integrate Wesleyan.
“I have moved to Tybee Island, GA, where my late husband Gary and I had planned to move whenever we sold our home in VA. I have enjoyed reconnecting with Susan Wyllys Wallace ’72, Linda Sue Chance Newiger ’72, Sher Senna Pollard ’72, and Rusty Propps Langford ’72 plus keeping up with other classmates through Facebook,” says Susan Mann Kimbrell ’72.
Sharon Lynch Bond ’73 has lived in Maine for eight years and loves it! She lives on the coast and says it is “one of the most beautiful places on earth.” Winters are challenging writes Sharon but painting, ice skating, and music, especially playing for and directing her choir, keep her busy. She visits son David, a federal agent in Atlanta, several times a year. Her music and art careers are flourishing in her little town of 1800.
Susan Paul Tyler ’73 of Florence, KY, has wonderful memories of her class reunion in April 2018. She is working on her Ph.D. in educational studies from the University of Cincinnati’s College of Education with plans to graduate in December 2019.
Reunion Co-Chairs: Hazel Burns Struby and Pam Hicks Kelly
(L-R) Row 1: Sharon Bloss Jones, Penny Thomas, Wanda Strickland Sauls, Patricia Lee Kessler Row 2: Judy Hoffman, Debbie Dahl Bell Row 3: Julie Ragan Smith, Pam Hicks Kelly, Debbie Doyle Edenfield, Martha Johnson Row 4: Beverly Hinely MacMahon, Betty Bridge Risch, Hazel Burns Struby, Susan Powers Cannon
“I remember being a cheerleader for the soccer team and loved acting and dancing in all of our STUNTs. Met my husband and got married before my senior year,” writes Debbie Dahl Bell ’74 from Sarasota, FL.
From Kings Mountain, NC, Susan Powers Champion ’74 writes, “My husband Jim and I celebrated our 22nd wedding anniversary in 2018. Both of us are retired now although Jim works part time for the Kings Mountain Little Theatre and Liberty Mountain, The Revolutionary Drama. Jim and I have three granddaughters. Reina, age 5, and Robin, almost 2, are the daughters of Blair and Justin Daves. Olivia, age 18 months, is the daughter of Sara Champion and Jesse Cox. I have just retired from 10 years of community volunteerism with the local library board, community theatre board, Chamber of Commerce advisory committee, and hospital community advisory council. I continue my activities on the Board of Directors of the Kings Mountain Historical Museum, having retired as president after five years. I also continue to volunteer with our Methodist church and I am active in the local P.E.O. sisterhood, two book clubs, and garden club.”
Ginny Woods Everett’s husband of 40 years, Robert Burke Everett, of Woodstock, GA, passed away on November 17, 2018, after complications from a stroke. Ginny writes, “Bob grew up in Memphis and graduated from Rhodes College with a B.A. degree in history. He earned a master of arts degree in history from The University of Memphis and a Ph.D. in history from The University of Georgia. He enjoyed a lengthy teaching career, including teaching history at The University of Georgia, Winthrop College, and Converse College. He also was a professor of history and chairman of the history department at Wesleyan College and professor of history and chairman of the division of social sciences at Macon State College. Bob was a born storyteller who made history come alive for his students. He was an inveterate reader of history and later turned those skills to researching family history. An avid birdwatcher and a gifted photographer, he enjoyed nature, animal landscape and portrait photography as well as a wide range of musical genres – from opera to rock.” (See Sympathy, WESmag Winter 2018)
Patricia Lee Stillwagon Kessler ’74 retired in 2012 from Federal Express and is now teaching Wu-Style Taijichuan. A small flock of chickens plus a dog and 3 cats also keep her busy in Eads, TN. Patricia is the author of two books: How to Deal with a Horse (cartoons) and Chi Kung – Training for Life, Health, and Energy which she co-authored with Gerald Sharpe in 2013.
Our condolences to Betty Bridge Risch ’74, of West Sacramento, CA, on the deaths of her father and her brother. In her own words, “My father, Barton M. Bridge of Largo, FL, passed away on February 2, 2018, aged 89. My brother, Thomas R. Bridge of Buffalo, NY, passed away on June 4, 2018, aged 60. I will miss them both very much. 2018 was a tough year for me and my family. My mother now lives in Brookdale Pinecrest Senior Living in Largo, FL.” (See Sympathy, WESmag Summer & Winter 2018)
In Stamping Ground, KY, Julie Ragan Smith ’74 is enjoying retirement!
Debra Stockton ’74 of Marietta, GA, had to miss reunion this year. “I am recovering from a move, a bout with breast cancer - and trying to retire! I hope everyone had a great time and let’s plan on the 50th!
Hazel Burns Struby ’74 of Gray, GA, retired from her full-time job and is now teaching math online for the University of Phoenix and for Central Georgia Technical College. Hazel earned a master’s degree in math education from Mercer University and her doctorate in educational leadership from Nova Southeastern. When she’s not teaching, Hazel enjoys being with her grandchildren.
In Highpoint, NC, Carolyn Field Hall ’76 stays busy with many musical endeavors - Bel Canto Company of Greensboro, NC, teaching private voice, First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, NC, NCNATS, and NCACDA. Singing 4 life!
Maconite Virginia T. Phillips ’77 retired from teaching in 2008, after thirty years in Bibb County. She writes, “I enjoy being retired. I travel, read, paint (have paintings at the Village Studio Gallery on Ingleside Ave) and spend time with my adult children, husband, and granddaughter, Regan. My daughters who attended Wesleyan are Charlotte NeSmith Watson ’85 and Margaret Ellen NeSmith ’92 (deceased). My late mother, Margaret Adams Phillips, was Class of 1940. My family has other members in earlier classes, including Sarah M. Holt, Class of 1840.”
Reunion Committee: Kay Appling King (Chair), Kathy Breland Bradley, Jackie Webb Bullard, Nadine Cheek, Sally Anderson Hemingway, and Linda Chastain Rowe
(L-R) Row 1: Lee Seabrook, Rebecca Tuten McClain, Linda Chastain Rowe, Kay Appling King, Lisa Willis Salveter Row 2: Theresa McKenna, Judy Sanders Hughes, Sarah Johnson Miller, Sally Anderson Hemingway, Cindy Conner Lee Row 3: Carol Freeman Ake, Catherine Haye Sauter, Lou Bender, Nadine Cheek, Robbie Edge Stancil Row 4: Cindy Mercer Riley, Natalie Anderson Rauch, Amy Miller Braun, Sherrie Shellard O’Hara, Denise Sarver Jewell, Katherine Breland Bradley Row 5: Lauretta Elliott Garrett, Gail Bacon Ford, LuAlice Waite
Lauretta Elliott Garrett ’79 of Cusseta, GA, is an associate professor in the department of mathematics at Tuskegee University. Lauretta earned her M.Ed. from Columbus State and her Ph.D. in mathematics education from Auburn University.
“My husband retired from the military in 2017 after serving 33 years. We are, for now, making our home in Honolulu and are enjoying every day!” reports Natalie Anderson Rauch ’79.
Loisanne Tatum Robins ’79 had a roommate meet up last summer. She reports, “I enjoyed visiting with my college roommate Rebecca Tuten McClain ’79 and getting to hear the organist at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Savannah last summer (2018).”
Jeanne Luke Longerbeam ’80, of Port Orange, FL, sends greetings and news. “My latest news is that I accepted a position as professor of voice at Daytona State College and will be teaching students as part of their musical theater degree. I am singing in an auditioned choir, Bel Canto Singers of Daytona Beach, and accepted a newly created position as the conductor’s assistant at our new church, Port Orange Presbyterian. This will be an entirely new role for me but I am thrilled to be exploring a more supporting role in church music and giving my conducting arm and shoulder a rest (per doctor’s orders). It’s never too late to start over. God always has a bigger plan!”
“My mother, Virve Paul Martin ’52, and my father, Albert Martin ’53 (CON), have moved to Rogersville, TN, to be with us. They have their own place on our property and seem to be enjoying mountain living,” reports Monique Martin Whorton ’81.
“I had a great time at Alumnae Weekend ’18. It was wonderful to see and spend time with classmates. I even won the ‘award’ for traveling the farthest to attend. Thanks so much,” writes Cynthia Bell-Lee ’83, of Eagle River, AK. Last November, Cyndi and her husband came through the major 7.0 earthquake that shook South Central Alaska with no physical harm but with damages to their home. They had to deal with the process of making home repairs in the midst of the stress of continued aftershocks, which they were told could last up to a year. In April 2019, Cyndi reported that repairs to her home were almost complete.
Beth Parker Davis ’83 is the new director of the Olson Library at Stratford Academy in Macon. Beth retired from Springdale Elementary in 2014 where she taught for 30 years. Her classes with Ann Munck at Wesleyan prepared her for this new job as reading head of the library.
Maconite Kim Barksdale Tyson ’83 is teaching part-time at Vineville Academy after retiring from full-time teaching in 2015.
Reunion Chair: Patricia Sterling Brzezinski
(L-R) Row 1: Patricia Sterling Brzezinski, Carswell Hannon Patterson, Loretta Pinkston-Pope Row 2: Rhonda Kay Davis, Sally Cash Whitt
Patricia Sterling Brzezinski ’84 attended Charlotte Smith’s Beachy Head performance by classmate Amanda Jacobs ’84 at Carnegie Hall in NYC. “It was wonderful! It is the type of show that will not work on a main stage like Porter Auditorium but in a space like Pierce Chapel, it would be just great,” writes Patricia.
In May, Karen Toner Mixon ’85 of Pike Road, AL, celebrated the birthday of her 2-year-old granddaughter, Brooklyn Jean Bolden, who was named for her great- grandmother Jean Middlebrooks Morris ’57.
Angela B. Arnold ’87 has moved to Huntsville, AL, after nearly 30 years in Ohio.
Lisa Shiveler ’87 of Morristown, TN, is very excited to share that she has recently joined the staff of Tusculum University in Greeneville, TN, as a grants writer, which allows her to merge her two professional passions, grant writing and higher education. She thanks her mentor and first boss at Wesleyan College, Deborah Jones Smith ’76 for the support and encouragement and adds, “I’m thrilled to be assisting this wonderful institution in providing resources and opportunities so that our University can change the lives of people in TN and throughout the world.”
Reunion Co-Chairs: Tyrene House Neil and Mary Beth Brown Swearingen
(L-R) Row 1: Tanya Wade, Malika Ghosh Garett, Susan Fay Flowers, Angie Humphries Row 2: Denise Cheek Brown, Mary Beth Brown Swearingen, Pam Hissing Jacobson, Debbie Stevenson Moses, Jennifer Kane Chacosky, Penny Whitley Windham, Dale Barfield
In Newark, DE, Jennifer Kane Chacosky ’89 is an area manager for Vera Bradley.
Congratulations to Susan Fay Flowers ’89 who was recently promoted to accounting manager at the Manatee County Clerk of Courts and Comptroller in Bradenton, FL. Susan is a CPA and has been there for 9 years. She has been in governmental accounting for 21 years.
“I’m about to become an “empty nester” as my daughter Aalia graduates high school. Son Miles is a TV reporter at WGXA Macon. Life has come full circle for me. I no wok as a senior director with Capgemini, a consulting company. I spend a lot of time on airplanes and love traveling the world. I still paint and have art shows all over the world,” reports Malika Ghosh Garrett ’89 from Alpharetta, GA. Malika also has a WESLEYAN FIRST, as the FIRST Indian woman artist to have a solo art exhibit at the High Museum in Atlanta.
“We moved to Marietta, GA, in 2014. I have been married to my husband, Phil, for 26 years. We have two children: Ashleigh (21) a senior at FSU and Steven (15) a sophomore in high school,” reports Pam Hissing Jacobson ’89.
Tanya Wade ’89 lives in Jupiter, FL, and works in digital marketing. In the last five years her design work has been published nationally. Tanya enjoys running 5K races and still knits.
Congratulations to Catherine Foss Edmonds ’92, of Augusta, GA, who reports, “I graduated from Augusta University on December 15, 2017, with a master of science in nursing. The Clinical Nurse Leader program of the College of Nursing at Augusta University is a unique pre-licensure to the master’s program specifically designed for students who have a bachelor degree in any field other than nursing. Upon graduation, a CNL nursing student is trained at the graduate level, prepared to become an RN, and to sit for the Clinical Nurse Leader certification exam. I passed my state boards in January 2018 to become a registered nurse, and passed the Clinical Nurse Leader exam in August 2018 to receive national certification. I am employed at University Health Care System in Augusta, GA, at the Ortho/Spine Center.”
In February Sarah Chervenak ’93 sent an update. “All is well here. My son (Mikolas) is almost 9 now, and he is keeping my husband and me super busy, which is awesome! After Miko was born, I decided it was time to shift gears in the FBI, which has been a good move (though I really miss field investigations). Previously I had worked in Los Angeles where I was assigned to a Joint Terrorism Task Force, and my cyber work prior to that was always in conjunction with terrorism. I now run a unit at FBI Headquarters within a division that is focused on FBI partnerships, innovative initiatives, and strategic planning/policy across the FBI. Overall, the work is quite rewarding, and has given me an acute perspective on current issues impacting law enforcement writ large. I also gave up Ironman competitions, but took up ultra marathons a year or so ago, so I still love running!”
Reunion Co-Chairs: Valerie Knopik and Holly Hawkins Odom
(L-R) Row 1: Elizabeth Bockmiller Ceranowski, Lisa Brannen Pompa, Michelle Smith Green, Holly Hawkins Odom Row 2: Melanie Rahn, Cara Carroll Baity, Annette Nassir, Wendi Windham Martin, Shelia Davis Row 3: Jill Hauver Celeste, Kimberly Parker, Jaqui Dravis Wilson, Kim Casey Melson, Nicole Licata
“I celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary with my husband, Richard. Our two sons have grown up so much (ages 19 and 17). I marked the eighth anniversary of my business (Jill Celeste International LLC), where I teach female entrepreneurs how to market their businesses so they can constantly attract their ideal clients (,” reports Jill Hauver Celeste ’94 of New Port Richey, FL.
Wendi Windham Martin ’94 of Oglethorpe, GA, is the Therapy Director and PT at Therapy Specialists of Georgia in Macon. She received her M.P.T. - Physical Therapist - from the Medical College of Georgia.
Jacqui Dravis Wilson ’94 lives in Macon and has been a counselor at Stratford Academy for the past 6 years. She is also a registered play therapist and does private practice at Crossroads Christian Counseling Center for children, teens, and adults. Jacqui earned her MAPC from Argosy in 2009 in community counseling and is a licensed LPC, RPT, NCC, and is working on her RPT/S supervisor certification.
Rebecca Calhoon Caskey ’95 started working on her M.Ed. with a major in school library media almost two years ago. She looks forward to graduating this summer. In the meantime she has worked as a media specialist for a year at an elementary school. Her previous position with Barnes & Noble was as a community business development manager, where she visited 100 schools a year, mostly spending time with media specialists. She attended a lot of their meetings and professional learning workshops, and decided that it would be a good fit for her. Says Rebecca,
“I started with B&N in 1998 and left a month short of 20 years!”
Congratulations to author Sasha Adkins ’96 whose book, From Disposable Culture to Disposable People: The Unintended Consequences of Plastics was just published. Sasha says, “I write and teach about the connections between how we treat the earth and how we treat each other.”
“After a 2018 June summer trip to Savannah with Wesleyan sisters Natalie B. Benson ’00, Laura-Lee McCranie ’00, Katie Sadler-Stephenson ’00, Sue Burdette
’74, and Julie B. Wegner ’00 in spirit, I was so excited about reunion weekend with my Golden Sisters of 1999!” reports Carrie Walker Dumm ’99, of Senoia, GA.
Reunion Chair: Dana Karstensen-Bryan
(L-R) Row 1: Amy-Christine Vinson Smith, Kathryn Smith Vinson, Amanda Avery, Shayna Jordan Pierce, Liza Sanden, Jackie Slaton, Jennifur Dianne Rosado Tanner Row 2: Michele L. McDuffie, Sarah Marshall Neal, Jennifer Lee Mastrangelo, Kawana Printup, Tiffany L. Grayson, Krissy Anderson, Odona Ezell-Whiddon Row 3: Carrie Walker Dumm, Dana Karstensen-Bryan, Melissa Roberts Mancini, Erica Collinsworth Carr, Chrissy Olszweski McCampbell, Amanda Marine Evans, Daphne Ristau Stellato, Bingle Brown, Dracine Hodges Row 4: Mary Lynn Johnson Truelove, Christina Cote Findley, Dottie Whittington Bailey, Heather Beene Booker, Nichole Arnault, YaNawn LaPread-Johnson
Amanda R. Avery ’99 of Villa Rica, GA, began a new career in water reclamation at Kason Industries in 2018.
Congratulations to Jessica Jarman ’99, of Maastricht, Limburg, in The Netherlands! “I am celebrating one year of marriage to Peter Borman and we are continuing our adventure of living abroad.”
YaNawn LaPread Johnson ’99 of Bartlett, TN, was recently promoted to vice president of nursing, admissions and referrals at Strategic Behavorial Health.
Former Wesleyan softball player Michele McDuffie ’99 was the guest speaker at Wesleyan’s athletic banquet in April 2019.
Monica Jenkins Morton ’99, of College Park, GA, is the mother to two beautiful daughters, Lexie and Laura, ages 14 and 12. After Wesleyan, Monica earned an associate degree of mortuary science. She currently works at Forest Lawn Funeral Home & Memorial Gardens.
Congratulations to Lachrisha “Chris” Swafford ’99, of Albuquerque, NM. She and Justin celebrated their first wedding anniversary in March 2019!
The Class of ’00 is making music! Mandi Foster Davis, of Chester, VA, thoroughly enjoyed playing Baroness Schraeder in Fort Lee Playhouse’s 70th anniversary season’s production of The Sound of Music. Mandi says, “I’m also putting my hair and makeup skills, perfected when I used to help everyone get dressed for concerts, to good use! Last December Katie Sadler-Stephenson, of Madison, GA, was thrilled to announce the premiere concert of an acapella trio she has formed, Les Trois Voix. Katie wishes that Mandi was available to handle her hair and makeup!
“As a an active member in the Atlanta Stagehand Union, IATSE 927, Mo Guiberteau ’00 had the responsibility for overseeing all of the Local Union Labor for the 2019 Super Bowl Half Time Show. In addition to coordinating all of the labor needs for this big event, she also oversees the labor and contracts for Live Nation venues as well as Wild n Out with Nick Cannon. As an advocate for underpaid and mis-classified workers she has also helped organize 300 entertainment workers and negotiated a strong and fair Union contract.
From Ireland, Deborah Berryman Guy ’01 emails that she is “Mum to three kids - two girls and a boy. Back living in Northern Ireland.”
“I am a very active volunteer with the Houston County Board of Education, including working with the Gifted and Talented Education Program (GTE) and most importantly as president of the Parent Teacher Organization at Bonaire Elementary School, where my future PK Charlotte (Class of 2034) is in the 1st grade Gifted class. (Her family, including a pile of Wesleyan aunts, are extremely proud of her!) I’m also overjoyed to announce the birth of my darling nephew Benjamin David, who came into the world five weeks early - itty bitty but healthy. He is named after both his grandfathers, including my late father who, along with my late mother, loved Wesleyan as much as I do,” writes Bria Andrew Kitchens ’02.
“In September 2018, my family suffered a house fire. We are doing ok and are finally in our new home,” reports Jody Swink Miles ’02 from Irondale, MO.
“Thank you Wesleyan for giving me the chance to study in Berlin, Germany!
I received the education I needed. Now after 17 years I have moved my family to Munich, Germany,” writes Tarra Wall Powell ’02.
Congratulations to Arizona Williams White ’03 who was featured in Macon Magazine as one of Macon’s 5 Under Forty for her countless contributions promoting local entrepreneurship and economic and community development. (See Article, WESmag Winter 2018)
Reunion Committee: Mary Kathryn Borland (Chair), Katie Crozier-Theis, Emily Dukes LeVan, Alex Aldica Willis
(L-R) Row 1: Sabrina Laney Warren, Sarah Shearhouse, Katie Crozier-Theis, Emily Dukes LeVan Row 2: Kourtney Gurley, Shelley Stevens, Christine Harness Thompson, Sawyer Bethel, Bethany Dale-Schiller Row 3: Monica Harper Dekle, Mary Kathryn Borland, Amanda Wood Marsh
Congratulations to Monica Harper Dekle ’04 of Savannah, GA, who received the WCAA’s 2019 Young Alumna Award presented during Alumnae Weekend 2019.
Moultrie, GA, resident Sydney Elkin ’04 works at Colquitt County High School. After Wesleyan, Sydney earned a M.Ed. degree in secondary education and a
specialist of education in teacher leadership.
Valencia “VJ’’ Jennings ’04 of Lawrenceville, GA, works for the US Department of the Treasury. Valencia earned a master’s degree in forensic accounting and a doctorate in accounting with a focus on forensic accounting.
Joanne Patterson ’04 is a current Ph.D. student at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville. After Wesleyan she earned a M.S.W. and a M.P.H.
Congratulations to Mary-Charlotte Young ’04, of Bryan, TX, on the birth of her son James in September 2018! (See Births, WESmag Winter 2018)
“I now have two beautiful daughters: Tovah Dale-Schiller (03/2015) and Lilah Dale-Schiller (03/2017),” writes Bethany Dale-Schiller ’04 of Wilmington, DE.
Brendalyn Johnson Bailey ’05 says she is now coming full circle in services to her community through Central Georgia Technical College. I’ve had the opportunity to be advocate for Central High School for the past eight years and working to advance the Dual Enrollment program.
Crystal Thomas McMullen ’05, of Clearwater, FL, has relocated to Florida to pursue a career in Laboratory Information Systems (LIS). She also has been promoted to Blood Services Implementation team lead and was featured in the SCC Soft Computer corporate recruitment video. “Check it out on LinkedIn, YouTube, or Facebook!” writes Crystal.
Greenville, SC, resident MariaKristina “M.K.” Stanley Waite ’06 says, “Life is sweet!In October 2019 I’ll be celebrating my 3rd kidney and pancreas transplant anniversary!”
AnneKathrin Witt ’07 was on the gold medal winning team at the National Rowing Championships in Switzerland and says, “It was an amazing race and highlight of the season. Thanks to everyone for their support!”
Vicki Johnson ’08 started a child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship at UAB Medical Center in July 2018.
Reunion Committee: Jennifer Theisen (Chair), Ashley Success, Amanda Dorson Winter, Lucy Guy
(L-R) Row 1: Maddie Allsup, Missy Ward Angalla, Jessica Smith Row 2: Janet Rodriguez, Jasna Kljajic, Grace Bunke
Maddie Allsup ’09 reports, “After a long immigration process, my now wife was finally able to move to the USA from Honduras. We were married in October 2018 and are so happy to finally be sharing a home together. I am the treasurer for the board of directors for a nonprofit called Lila that works to advocate and empower the lgbtqi+ Latinx community both in the south as well as internationally - we have done work in Honduras and in Guatemala. I am now an exceptional children resource teacher at a Title I school in North Carolina. I feel as if everything I learned at Wesleyan and in seminary is meshing together into this beautiful reality that is being able to teach students who learn differently and who have exceptional needs in the area of work/study skills, learning abilities, as well as social/emotional skills.
Congratulations to Rudo Mudiwa ’09 who has a WESLEYAN FIRST. A communication and political science major at Wesleyan, Rudo is one of twelve scholars named as Princeton’s first Presidential Postdoctoral Research Fellows. This research program is aimed at enhancing diversity in the professoriate. Rudo holds a Ph.D. in communication and culture from Indiana University. With a focus on contemporary culture and politics in Zimbabwe, her country of origin, she will join the department of comparative literature at Princeton with research examining how anxieties regarding black women’s sexuality and physical mobilities in urban areas have been at the center of debates about how to transform space and imagine a new nation of Zimbabwe in the aftermath of colonial rule.
Missy Ward-Angalla ’09 continues her mission to help others. “I have started Amani Sasa, a non-profit in Kampala, Uganda, which provides holistic trauma rehabilitation services to vulnerable and at risk refugee men, women, children, and families. I am so grateful to my Wesleyan community of sisters and faculty and staff who poured into my life and who believed in and encouraged me over these years.”
In February, Jessica Seale ’10 started a new job in Washington, DC, working for Administrator Linda McMahon at the Small Business Administration after working for former Ambassador Nikki Haley’s team at the State Department mission at the United Nations. Of her past job she writes, “I had no idea as president of Model UN at Wesleyan that I would one day have the opportunity to work at the actual UN.”
Faith Richardson Johnson ’11 of Carrollton, GA, sends an update. “I am manager of pastoral care (staff chaplain) at Tanner Health System. I married Rev. Dr. Woodrow Johnson, Jr. on March 11, 2017, and gave birth to Joshua Shalom Johnson on April 9, 2018.” Faith earned a M.Div. degree in pastoral care and counseling and a M.S. degree in clinical mental health counseling, both from Mercer University.
Gabriela “Gabi” Medina-Marrero ’11, of San Juan, PR, currently works as a legislative advisor to Sen. Miguel Romero Lugo, San Juan-PNP. She was elected as San Juan representative to the Puerto Rico Democratic Party State Committee and is currently the rules chair for the Young Democrats of America national organization. After losing most of her belongings after Hurricane Maria, she can happily say life is finally back on track. She wishes to thank all her Wesleyan sisters who reached out after the hurricane, with a special thanks to Sherry V. Neal ’96 who helped her get her Wesleyan diploma back after the disaster.
Trey and Kaitlyn Rentz Lancaster ’12 are off to Zimbabwe in Africa to start their lives as missionaries. They have two young sons - ages 2 and 6 months.
Reunion Chair: Paula Lockhart
(L-R) Row 1: Beverly Hicks, Paula O. Lockhart, Jennifer Eadie Hopkins, Ashlee Day Row 2: Sonja Sanders, Tiffany Hicks, Esiri Tasker, Jennifer Jones
Wedding bells will soon be ringing for Brittany Appelboom ’13 of Pinson, AL. “I am engaged now and will be getting married on November 23, 2019!” writes Brittany.
Blake Binion-Holliday ’14 (formerly known as Amanda Holliday) is now working with the Wyoming Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Lander, Wyoming.
In Mobile, AL, Kayla Butler Seawell ’14 is employed by Alexander Cooksey, LLC. After Wesleyan Kayla earned a master’s degree in political science from the University of Mississippi.
Congratulations to Colleen DeGraff ’15 who earned a masters of divinity degree in May 2019 from Mercer University’s McAfee School of Theology.
“After graduating from Wesleyan in 2015, I got married and bought a home. I have worked full-time at Hodges, Harbin, Newberry & Tribble, Inc. in Macon for a little over 2 years and made the decision to go to graduate school at SCAD. I began online classes for a master’s degree in writing this past fall!” reports Chelsea Wessells Madden ’15 in Forsyth, GA.
After Wesleyan, Sophia Theodos ’15 of Mobile, AL, earned a M.P.H. degree from the University of Alabama – Birmingham. She is now in the M.D. program at University of South Alabama College of Medicine.
Megan Trietsch ’15 and Grayson CeBallos were married on November 10, 2018, in Marshall, TX. Congratulations, Megan!
“I started working at ADA Supply, Inc. on March 11 of this year. I am able to use my advertising, marketing, and communications degree to manage and promote the business. Thank you Wesleyan for teaching me the skills,” writes Keaundria “Kiki” Scott ’16 of Warner Robins, GA.
Chelsea Carter Lewis ’16 of Monticello, GA, works at Piedmont Newton Hospital.
She is pursuing a M.S.N. with specialization in Family Nurse Practitioner at South University.
Catherine “Cat” Roberts ’17 traveled to Viet Nam last fall where she accepted a position with APAX English to teach English as a second language to Vietnamese students.
Rut Perez Le’on ’17 of Kearny, NJ, has started a new career with ADP as an insurance producer. She also got engaged on October 25, 2018, to Eric M. Kulak.
Reunion Committee: Quiana Mobley (Chair), Stephanie Artola, Kristen Dennard, Madison Leary, and Jecamiah Anderson
(L-R) Row 1: Mary Fowler, Pratima Khadka, Madison Leary, Krissy Dennard Row 2: Lexi Mullaly, Stephanie Artola, Jecamiah Anderson, Joi Raushan Row 3: Zakkiyah Tynetta Muhammad, Quiana Mobley, Taylor Hoey, Aaminah Durham Hassan
Not Pictured: Sarah Bellflower, Maggie Blum, Victoria Clower
Victoria Clower ’18 is proud to serve in the Peace Corps. She headed to Liberia in May to teach junior high/high school science.
Seychelle Hercules ’18 is off to grad school at University of Maryland. As a Wesleyan student, Seychelle was the FIRST student in Wesleyan’s history to win a prize at the annual international conference of the Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE).
Wes Quesenberry, grandson of Mary Belle Gardner Quesenberry ’43, sent an update on Mary Belle’s active life: “I am writing you today to send best wishes to the school. My grandmother is doing well at the age of 95 living in Virginia Beach, VA, at Westminster Cantebury. I spent a week with her on her birthday week and enjoyed going to various places with her and enjoying many of her social events. Mary Belle still continues to entertain her friends and stays active with fitness classes, cards, mahjong, and social events with her friends." In November, Wes visited and toured Wesleyan for the first time and was delighted to meet with President Vivia Fowler.
“The WESmag is nice to read,” says Betty Tillman Hodges ’48 from Statesboro, GA. “Thank you for great information and lovely pictures.”
Emily Hancock Bredeson ’49 of Macon shared that many of her classmates attended the 70th reunion celebration for the Class of 1949. Alumnae present included Mary Lane Edwards Hartshorn, Emmie Carlton Johnson, Betty Mackay Asbury, Jerrye Griffith Short, Emily Hancock Bredeson, Becky Watson Bowdre, and Julia Weathers Wynne.
Charlotte Little Walker ’49 of Atlanta remembers her wonderful years at Wesleyan. “I am enjoying life as a retired teacher. I send all my dear ’49-ers good wishes on our 70th anniversary.”
Harriett Middlebrooks Roswurm ’50 of Seal Beach, CA, shared the following update: “I attended Wesleyan in the 1946-47 school year then moved to California with my widowed mother to be near my brother after World War II. I completed my BA degree at Pepperdine in 1950. I met my husband Don there and we’ve been married almost 68 years.”
Joan Jennings Norton ’53 of Green Cove Springs, FL, has been retired from teaching for 26 years. She enjoys spending her time with fascinating books! Her daughter, Jeanne Norton Rollberg ’79, is also enjoying her retirement. Jeanne was professor of mass media at University of Arkansas at Little Rock.
Caroline Eagerton Upperco ’53 and her husband Jesse moved to a retirement community in Wilson, NC, in August of 2018 to be closer to their daughter and her family. They enjoyed a visit from Susan Brown Allen ’17 soon after their move. Sadly, Caroline’s dear husband Jesse passed away on December 3, 2018. He and Caroline shared 61 years together and while she misses him very much she is grateful for her many blessings. (See Sympathy, WESMag Winter 2018)
From Tifton, GA, Sydney “Syd” Willis Blackmarr ’54 reports that she was sorry to have missed reunion, but she was spending time with classmate Virginia Whiteman Robinson in Florida. “Hope all is well and we will gather again at Wesleyan!”
“Joyce Hall Pelphrey ’54 and I enjoyed her reunion and her visit to Ft. Valley. My “grand” Denver Turner Payne ’20 had a wonderful photo and write-up in the 2019 summer edition of WESMag. I am so proud of her and happy she’s carrying on the Wesleyan tradition in our family,” writes Claire Houser-Dodd ’53 from Ft. Valley.
Lucy Neeley Adams ’56 of Hermitage, TN, shares the following update: “Woody and I have been missionaries in Korea and in the Navajo Methodist Mission School in Farmington, NM, but finally settled in Tennessee where we have served many wonderful churches. We are blessed with 4 dear children, 3 sons and a daughter. They have given us 14 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren. My writing has taken me from radio scripts about hymns, to newspaper Song Stories. Then Abingdon Press asked me to write a book, 52 Hymn Story Devotions. It is still selling well, and I remember with much happiness a book signing at Wesleyan when it was first published. Now, we are celebrating its 20th year. God’s blessings to your dear people.”
Members of the Class of 1958 have great grandbabies galore! Nancy Doss Holcombe of Arizona City, AZ, and Medra Lott Keyser of Fernandina Beach, FL, each welcomed an 11th grandchild. Nancy’s third great granddaughter was due in October, and Medra’s great grandson, Rush William Chandlee, was born May 9, 2018, to Richard Rush Chandlee and Mary Chandlee.
Jane Howard Reinmuth ’58 of Sacramento, CA, enjoys visiting an assisted living facility to play cards with ladies ages 95, 91, and 80, and having a great time! She is still thinking of making the 65th reunion.
The Daughters of the America Revolution (DAR), Oglethorpe Chapter in Columbus, Georgia, recognized Kay Carroll Barnes ’60 with the DAR Women in American History Award on April 16, 2019. This award acknowledges the outstanding contributions a woman has made in her community. It was pointed out that Kay Barnes has been chosen STAR teacher 28 times, a record for the state of Georgia. The STAR teacher is chosen by the senior with the highest SAT score in each school and every year that student chooses the teacher who has been the most influential in his or her high school career. Many of her STAR students who chose her for this honor were in attendance, one flying from California for the award ceremony. It was also noted that her math teams have won more than thirty state-wide tournaments. A reception followed the award presentation and many of the students paid verbal tributes to the one who taught them, “A day without math is a day without sunshine.” Others spoke of their success based on not only what they were taught about math, but what they learned about life from this teacher and the example she set every day. Kay also has been in charge of a half century of graduation exercises at her school and has played the organ at her church for 63 years. Several of her STAR students attended Wesleyan. Congratulations to Kay!
Judy Warnock Burns ’61 of Austin, TX, teaches piano at home and says it is as rewarding as she imagined it to be. “I am so thankful for Wesleyan College!”
Juliana “Jukie” Hardeman Caldwell ’61 shares her #1 Best News! Husband Bill Caldwell has published The Young Lad Who Lost His Nightshirt. It can be bought on Amazon. This book is Bill’s life dream and he has worked for years on it. He is still recovering from a cerebral hematoma and is doing much better, reports Jukie. They moved to a graduated community in Summerville, SC, this fall to be closer to their daughter.
Andrea Morris Gruhl ’61 of Ellicot City, MD, has moved to a retirement community where she serves as chair of the Spiritual Life Committee. She also serves on the boards of the League of Women Voters on 3 levels: LWV for Howard County, MD, LWV for Maryland, and LWV for the National Capital area.
Ann Ewing Shumaker ’63 of Columbia, SC, loves to travel. She writes, “All of us went to Hawaii in March. Sarah’s Wando Chorus sang at Pearl Harbor. Her mom was a chaperone. Amanda, older granddaughter and I went too! We celebrated her 20th birthday on the beach near Diamond Head!”
Lou Beller ’64 of Staten Island, NY, is quite the gardener these days. “I planted five okra seeds this year on a ‘this might be interesting’ basis. I’ve been amazed ever since I saw the first blossom. The plants are taller than I am now and I’ve been making lots of gumbo, fried okra, and okra and tomato dishes. I won't even mention the squash, zucchini, cucumber, tomatoes, lettuce, basil, mint, dill, parsley, thyme, rosemary, chives, oregano etc., that I’ve given to my eye doctor, regular doctor, next door neighbors, housekeepers, dental hygienist, massage person, housekeepers, etc.”
Peggy Karacostas Zeigler ’64 says it is wonderful to be back in Georgia. “During our 56 years of marriage, Joseph and I have lived in Florida, Texas, and California. Now it’s great to be living in Savannah near extended family and special friends. We now look forward to only traveling back to California to be with our son and his precious family. Sending best wishes and love to fellow classmates.”
Tish Ritchie Eppink ’65 of Charlottsville, VA, writes, “Am still, after all these years, thrilled and thankful I had four years at Wesleyan. Wesleyan gave me MUCH MORE than classes.”
“This has been a very hard year. My husband, Phil, died on January 5, 2019, of a sudden cardiac arrest. In March, I had congestive heart failure. I am recovering with the love and care of family, friends, and cardiologists, including our son, Matt, who practices EP cardiology in Asheville, NC,” writes Katherine Champion Smelley ’65 from her home in Savannah. (See Sympathy)
Jane Silverman Mason ’66 of Verbena, Al, remembers her student days at Wesleyan. “Purple Knight class...Volunteered at the GA Academy for the Blind in Macon...A wonderful trip with Wesleyan sisters to Washington, DC, in 1962...Freshman year served on the student council for Wortham Hall dorm....And lots of fun weekend trips to Atlanta!” writes Jane.
In Douglasville, GA, Susan Isaacs Dodson ’69 is loving life. “Husband Joel is semi-retired and we have downsized and love it! But you have to be ruthless when you are downsizing! Our son Mac and his wife Stacie have two beautiful children. Anderson is 4, named for me! Asa is 2. We spend much time with them. I still play bridge as often as I can. Our reunion was great. Thanks to Betty Hood Lydick!”
Susan Byrd Mathews ’69 of Columbia, SC, also enjoyed the 50th class reunion. “The 1969 50th Class Reunion was awesome! We had such a good turnout. It was great to see the campus and learn about all the wonderful things happening at Wesleyan. I had a wonderful experience there and I’m so proud to have graduated from Wesleyan.”
Colleen Smith Katsuki ’70 is still happily living in Lincoln, MA, teaching piano. She is still playing and was recently chosen as a “pianist on call” for the Boston Lyric Opera.
Diane Dennington Robertson ’70 of Marietta, GA, is delighted that her granddaughter, Christine Buck, is a first year student at Wesleyan!
Condolences to Beth Walker Heckman ’72 of Stone Mountain, GA, whose husband, Ronald M. Heckman, passed away in December 2016.
Sister Wesleyannes in South Florida are proud of Martha Townsend Dyal ’75 who is a Wesleyan woman of action. Martha lives in West Palm Beach, FL, and took in a Bahamian family of five that was displaced by Hurricane Dorian.
Susie Lovette Fischer Dobbyn ’75 of Creedmoor, NC, is happy to be closer to Georgia again. “My husband and I are enjoying (between fix-up projects) our house and land near Highlands, NC, which is very close to my sister and brother-in-law.”
Greensboro, NC, natives Carolyn Field Hall ’76 and husband Steve have enjoyed an exciting year of travel. They visited England where they traced the footsteps of John and Charles Wesley then journeyed to Norway. In June they attended the music festival at Lake Junaluska. Carolyn serves on the Greensboro Opera Board and was pleased to meet Anna Clare Williams Allen ’55, a Wesleyan Conservatory graduate, who also serves on the board. Anna Clare, a former roommate of the late Neva Jane Langley Fickling ’55, also serves on the board of the Greensboro Music Academy. Small Wesleyan world!
Patti Henry ’76 of Wellesley, MA, hopes to retire soon and will be moving to Colorado.
Mary Knight Robinson ’76 of Bainbridge, GA, and husband Don have both retired and are enjoying a flexible schedule. Church involvement, personal projects, and trips to see their only grandchild keep them quite busy. They recently celebrated 43 years of marriage.
Condolences to Lauren Drinnon Leskosky ’77 of Atlanta on the death of her father, Everett G. Drinnon, who passed away May 5, 2019. (See Sympathy)
Gwen Hornung ’78 of Malabar, FL, is retired. Gwen was a rural letter carrier for 36 years. She breeds show cats and is an American Cat Fanciers Senior All Breed judge.
Eatonton residents Janet Williams Sills ’78 and husband Howard visited Peru last summer. While there, they had time to visit with girls at the Sacred Valley Project in Ollantaytambo. “The girls appreciated the Wesleyan pens and notepads from the alumnae office. They really liked the Wesleyan wolves!” writes Janet. The Sacred Valley project is an organization that provides access to education for girls in the remote Sacred Valley area of Peru.
Condolences to Lou Bender ’79 of Saint Paul, MN, on the loss of her wife, Judy Kolwicz, on June 12, 2019. (See Sympathy)
Congratulations to Lisa Martin Darden ’80 of Kennesaw, GA, who recently retired from teaching after 30 years. She celebrated with a trip to Alaska in August 2019.
Condolences to Kelly Russell ’80 of Havana, FL, on the loss of her mother, Gay Russell, who passed away on July 27, 2019, at the age of 86. (See Sympathy)
Monique Martin Whorton ’81 shares that her mother, Virve Paul Martin ’52, and her father, Albert Martin ’53, now live on her property and are doing well.
Congratulations to Beth Parker Davis ’83 of Macon. Beth retired from Springdale Elementary School in 2014 where she taught for 30 years. She is the new director of the Olson Library at Stratford Academy in Macon. Beth writes, “My classes with Ann Munck ’38 at Wesleyan prepared me for this new job as reading Head of Library.”
“I hope Wesleyan College will continue to grow each year as a great college for young women,” writes Janie Chien Golden ’86. She and her husband traveled to Italy this past summer and enjoyed the food, wine, people, and culture. Back home in Valley Village, CA, she remembers her happy years at Wesleyan.
In August 2019, the Georgia Department of Corrections (GDC) promoted Carlotta Philo Ficklin ’87 to statewide transitional center coordinator. As Coordinator, she will be responsible for overseeing the business operations of 15 transitional centers throughout the state that houses 2,448 minimum security male and female inmates. Ficklin began her career with the GDC in 1993 as a probation officer in the Clayton Judicial Circuit and in 1996 she transferred to the Augusta Probation Office. In 2002, she joined Augusta Transitional Center and in 2016, she was promoted to superintendent. Later, she was promoted to the assistant statewide transitional center coordinator, where she has served since 2017. Carlotta is also certified by the National Institute of Corrections as an offender employment specialist.
Bernice Isaac ’87 has been doing Jewish communal work since 2005, working at Temple Beth Tikvah in Roswell, GA (8 years), then moving to her current employer, Congregation Etz Chaim. She was promoted a year ago to be the communications administrator for the synagogue. She created a new website for the synagogue in December and is responsible for social media posts on Facebook and Instagram, program design, advertising and marketing, and fundraising. Bernice says, “I feel I am finally getting to use my communication degree to its fullest. I have been at Etz Chaim since 2012.”
“Both of my parents have passed away in the last two years,” writes Alice Armitage Fendley ’90 of Moore, SC. Her mother, Anna Katherine Akin Armitage, passed away on October 15, 2017, from Alzheimer’s and her father, Paul Clifford Armitage, passed away on March 14, 2019. The WCAA sends our condolences to Alice. (See Sympathy)
Congratulations to Kymberly Preuss Lukosky ’90 of Redmond, WA, who started a new job in July as senior program manager in Microsoft Azure!
The WCAA sends sympathy to Jane Carver Kimbrel ’94 of Perry, GA, on the death of her mother, Gwin Carver, on December 24, 2019. “My father died on the same day 25 years ago, on Christmas Eve of 1994,” Jane writes.
Lauren Calhoun ’98 of Hoover, AL, reports that classmate Shannon Roquemore ’98 wrote a book shortly before she died which features her time at Wesleyan.
Debbie Nguyen ’00 passed away in August 2019. Debbie was beloved by her family and her classmates and will missed more than words can say. Debbie is survived by many family members, including both of her parents, her husband Ryan Belcher, and her sister Leigh Ann Nguyen Moody, who also attended Wesleyan. (See In Memoriam)
Amy Stone ’00 emailed this update. “After serving on active duty as a JAG officer for 10 years, I was medically retired in May 2019 at the rank of Major. I’m currently of counsel at a world-wide military law firm, where I specialize in criminal defense, medical separations, and military board of corrections work. I work from home in Savannah, where I live with my husband, Alex, and our two amazing pups.
“My husband, Kyle, and I started new faculty positions at the University of Kansas School of Medicine in Kansas City, KS, in summer 2019,” writes Erin Young ’00.
The Class of ’01 welcomes two new babies! Congratulations to Amanda Cenzer of Chicago, IL, and Kelly George on the birth of their daughter Philippa Louise Cenzer-George, born on January 31, 2019. Congratulations are also due to Stephanie Dunda Owens and Kenneth Owens, of San Francisco, CA, on the birth of their son, Kenneth Michael Owens III, in December.
Vida Olivares ’02 has moved back to Macon! “I’m officially a Maconite now. My husband and I moved here in June 2019. I teach at Mary Persons High School in Forsyth.”
Congratulaitons to Deven Harris Cecere ’04 who was selected as a 2019 Delta Airlines OfficeNinjas All-Star. Deven is the executive assistant at The Greater Pittsburgh Food Bank, an organization that is focused on helping Pittsburgh neighbors overcome food insecurity. OfficeNinjas All-Stars, sponsored by Delta, is an online search program for recognizing the best and brightest office managers, operations pros, executive assistants, and administrative maestros.
Congratulations to Joanne Patterson ’04. Joanne’s Ph.D. was conferred in summer 2019. She now has a new position as an NIH T32 Postdoctoral Fellow in Cancer Prevention and Control at The Ohio State University that began in August 2019.
“I have relocated, with my husband and daughter, to the Houston area of Texas. We live in a small town an hour south of the big city, and 30 minutes north of the beach. My husband was recently ordained as a minister of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), and has been installed on his first call to a small church here. We had a daughter who was stillborn this past June, and many of my Wesleyan classmates sent cards, called, or visited, which brightened the days. We celebrate and mourn all of the changes that have come our way recently, as we look forward to the future with hope for what God has for us,” writes Shelly Walton Gable ’06.
Congratulations are also in order for Allyssa Green McNeal ’06 who reports, “On June 29, 2019,
I married Rev. Steven McNeal at Andrews Chapel UMC in Jonesboro, GA. My college roommate Belinda Foskey Grifee and dear friends Hema Parekh Patel and Doneshia Starling from the Class of 2006 helped celebrate my special day. Also, Darlene Murphy ’05 helped celebrate by making the jewelry for my bridal party. We currently live and serve the Clover Parish in Clover, SC. (See Announcements)
Amy Smith ’06 of Richmond, VA, and Svend Egholm have a new son, Henrik. (See Births)
Stephanie Hood Wittry ’08 of Lawrenceville, GA, and husband Eric welcomed the birth of their daughter Aila Jo, on April 18, 2018. Aila Jo has already made her first visit to Wesleyan!
Jessica Pearce Roberts ’09 lives in Decatur, GA, and is married with a young daughter.
Congratulations to Kristen Ellsworth Applebee ’10 who is the recipient of the national 2019 Outstanding Teacher of Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired Award. Kristen teaches at the Georgia Academy for the Blind in Macon. She is married to Wesleyan art professor Dennis Applebee.
Chelsie E. Dunn ’11 and Michael C. Brown married on August 11, 2018, in Newnan, GA.
LeAnne Nicholson ’11 married Eric Challenger in June 2016. LeAnne started her own music business in 2017 teaching piano lessons, voice lessons, and Kindermusik classes. She earned a master of music degree in 2013 from The University of North Georgia.
Cheyenne Foster ’12 of Washington, DC, is now a federal affairs specialist at Koch Industries.
Alaina Avera Harrison ’12 of Macon says, “Big brother Owen and big sister Addison are still absolutely in love with little sister, Sawyer.” Sawyer Margaret Harrison was born on March 20, 2019. (See Births, WESMag Summer 2019)
Ashlee Day ’14 of Tacoma, WA, started a new job in November at Seattle University, where she is an assistant director in the Office of Multicultural Affairs.
Mykel Glass ’14 married Jeremy Thibodeaux on June 1, 2018. They live in Katy, TX.
McCrary Gallery in the Murphey Fine Art Building at Wesleyan will feature the works of Esther Mech ’17 of Baltimore, MD, who recently graduated from UGA with an M.F.A. degree concentrating in ceramics. The show, FLUX, opened on September 12, 2019.
Keshika Marambe ’17 of Arlington, VA, is now analyst, business valuation & economic analysis with Morten Beyer & Agnew.
Rebecca Otwell ’17 of Fayetteville, GA, married Robbie Dove on June 9, 2018.
DeSira Palmer Williams ’17 of Macon married Nicholas Williams on August 1, 2019. DeSira’s bridal shower was held at Wesleyan’s Lane Center. (See Marriages)
Ciera Hall ’19 lives in Warner Robins and teaches fourth grade reading/social studies at Byron Elementary.
Sydney King ’19 is now running the theatre program at Vineville Academy in Macon, a K-5 arts magnet school in the Bibb County public school system.
Congratulations to Morgan Lami ’19 who is the new residence life coordinator at Wesleyan. She graduated summa cum laude with an A.B. degree in psychology.
Kaylyn Miller-Benson ’19 of Macon married Dale Benson on September 2, 2017, and then gave birth to fraternal twins, Ira Joseph Lee Benson and Emlyn Alexander Lee Benson on October 2, 2017.
Wesleyan College is privileged to steward many arts and cultural events and share them with the community. Most are free and open to the public. Wesleyan art galleries are open M-F 1-5PM and on Wesleyan Market Saturdays from 10AM-2PM.
Event listingWesleyan College is home to five NCAA Division III sports: soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and softball. In addition, we offer an award-winning Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) Equestrian program.
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