Reporting and Appeals

Wesleyan College
General Reporting and Appeals Information

All students, faculty and staff have the ability to report information, complaints and concerns to Wesleyan College. To access the correct form, please see below the list of report forms and description of when to use each form. All reports will be received by a college official and submitted to the appropriate office for a response and/or to take necessary action. 


Reporting a Violation of the Code of Conduct or Honor Code

Students, Faculty and staff may report a violation of the student code of conduct, by filling out the General Campus Incident Report Form. Faculty who are reporting academic violations of the honor code should use the Academic Violations Reporting Form

Reporting an Incident of Sexual Violence, Harrassment or Discrimination

Students should report incidents of sexual violence, harrasment, or discrimination based on sex (must be the individual who has experienced the unwanted behavior), by filling out the Title IX Reporting Form. If a faculty or staff member becomes aware of an incident, they should immediately report to the campus Title IX coordinator. 

Reporting a Disability and Accommodation Request 

To request an accommodation for a documented disability, please complete the Disability and Accommodation Request Form

Non Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct Report Form

Fill out the Non Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct Report Form here.

Reporting a General or Personnel Complaint

Wesleyan faculty, staff, or students can report a general complaint or one specifically regarding a faculty or staff member by filling out the General Complaint form. Informal resolution of all complaints are encouraged by first talking directly with the individual.

In the unlikely event that an issue cannot be resolved by the College, students may file a complaint with their respective State Licensing Authority. You may contact the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission at Online students who reside in a different state other than Georgia may file a complaint with the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) at Students may also file an unresolved complaint with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, the College’s accrediting agency.  To file a complaint with the Commission, you must complete the Commission’s complaint form and send two print copies to the President, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097. (To access the Commission’s complaint policy, procedures, and the Complaint Form, please see Complaint Procedures Against the Commission or Its Accredited Institutions at (Under documents<policies<complaint procedures against SACSCOC or its accredited institutions.)

Reporting an Incident on Campus

Any member of the campus community who witnesses an event on campus that needs to be followed up by the appropriate office, including campus safety concerns, can report the incident by filling out the General Campus Incident Report Form.

Reporting a Concern about a Student

Any member of the campus community who has a concern about a student, should fill out the Student of Concern Form

Filing an Appeal

In keeping with our ideal that students have the right to due process, a student may file an appeal for decisions that have been made related to the following areas: grades, parking tickets, disability and accommodation requests, academic conduct violations, non-academic conduct violations, and Title IX. 

Grade Appeals must be submitted within five days after the registrar has posted grades for the semester. To file a grade appeal, complete the Grade Appeal Form

Parking Ticket Appeals should be submitted within five days of receiving a parking ticket on campus using the Parking Ticket Appeals Form

Disability and Accommodation Appeal should be submitted if you would like to appeal a decision regarding your request for accommodations on campus. To submit this appeal, complete the Disability and Accommodation Appeal Form

Academic Violations Appeal must be submitted within five days of the student being notified of sanctions resulting from an academic violation of the Honor Code using the Academic Violations Appeal Form

General Misconduct Appeal must be submitted within within five days of the conduct hearing decision using the General Misconduct Appeal Form

Title IX Appeal must be submitted within five days of the receipt of the hearing panel decision using the Title IX Appeal Form

Calendar of Events

Wesleyan College is privileged to steward many arts and cultural events and share them with the community. Most are free and open to the public. Wesleyan art galleries are open M-F 1-5PM and on Wesleyan Market Saturdays from 10AM-2PM.

Event listing

NCAA Division III Athletics

Wesleyan College is home to five NCAA Division III sports: soccer, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and softball. In addition, we offer an award-winning Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA) Equestrian program.

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