Degree: A.B. English
Advanced Degree: Student at Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington D.C.
Profession: Executive Director, Reconciling Ministries Network (2017-present); Retired senior program manager, Harris Corporation (1982-2016) - held multiple positions in multiple divisions over the years.
Community Service: Lay member of Baltimore-Washington Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (2013-present); Baltimore/Washington Area Reconciling Methodists (2012-present, steering committee 2014-2017); lay member of Florida Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church (2008); Natural Church Development - First UMC Melbourne, Florida (2006-2007); local community volunteer as a member of the Harris Corporation GCSD Engineering Manager team including: Habitat for Humanity, Space Coast Intervention Center, and others.
Alumnae Activities: Wesleyan College Board of Managers representative on the President's Council for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; development liaison (before it was combined with board position); college fairs; reunion chair; class liaison; Forever First Society
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: There are too many to choose just one! Playing soccer in the rain on the old soccer field when it was under a few inches of water. Pep rallies around the fountain (dyed green of course). Poetry readings at Arch Beckelheimer’s house. Ice cream sundaes in the old snack bar. As an alum – reunions, meeting and connecting with Wesleyan alums at alumnae events around the country. Discovering the connection between those who have experienced Wesleyan - even across the generations.
Degree: A.B. Chemistry
Advanced Degree: M.A., Environmental Engineering, Clemson University
Profession: Senior Environmental Engineer for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Community Service: Volunteer for several non-profit organizations including the Richard Allen Outreach Center, a community service that promotes educational advancement and provides resources to underprivileged and underserved populations represented in the Greater Atlanta Area.
Alumnae Activities: VP of marketing for the Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club; candlelighter; class reunion committee; former WCAA Board of Managers treasurer (6 year term)
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: Working my first work study position in the Admissions Office as a support to admission’s representatives and to the admission’s staff. I met so many wonderful people and learned to be confident in my talents.
Degree: A.B. Early Childhood/Elementary Ed
Advanced Degree: M.Ed. and E.D.S., Speech and Language Pathology, University of Georgia; Educational Administration Certification, University of Virginia and Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Profession: Retired First Grade Teacher in Griffin, GA; former speech and language therapist and coordinator of speech program in Prince William Co. VA; elementary principal, Prince William County schools, VA; retired 2010 to western NC mountains
Community Service: Active in my church, Brevard First UMC, serving on the leadership council, executive committee, chair of Church Life, chair of Board of Directors Weekday Children’s Program, centering prayer facilitator, Sunday school teacher, and confirmation mentor. Community involvement includes treasurer of Democracy Project of Transylvania (a non-profit that supports civics education in local middle schools) and events coordinator for Brevard NAACP.
Alumnae Activities: Co-chair of 45th & 55th Golden Heart ‘67 reunions; class gift coordinator for 50th reunion; committee member post-reunion effort to “Make the Student Lounge Gold” in Willett Library; development position, WCAA Board of Managers; NC Triangle Wesleyan Alumnae Club
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: Being thrown in the fountain when I was pinned to a young man from Ga Tech. The pep rallies and being a Golden Heart cheerleader. My roommate, Anne, falling in love with my brother and later becoming my sister-in-law. The close friendships we made. There are three of us who have stayed especially close over all of these years.
DONESHIA P. STARLING ’06 Lawrenceville, GA
Degree: A.B. Advertising and Marketing Communication
Advanced Degree: M.Sc. in Housing and Consumer Economics, University of Georgia (2012); M.B.A. Southern New Hampshire University (2019)
Profession: Public Health Analyst
Community Service: Feeding the Homeless, sector leader of the Emerge Discipleship Program at my church
Alumnae Activities: Interim secretary and social media coordinator, Sisters of the First Five; vice president of admission, WCAA Board of Managers; Atlanta Young Alumnae
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: My first year of STUNT!
Degree: A.B. Early Childhood/Elementary Ed
Advanced Degree: M.Ed. in Educational Technology, Grand Canyon University; educational specialist degree in Organizational Leadership
Profession: Bibb County Educator; adjunct, Wesleyan College; recruiter, Wesleyan College Master of Education Program
Alumnae Activities: Class reunion planning committee member; candlelighter; graduation volunteer; Macon Wesleyan Alumnae Club; alumnae office volunteer; Sisters of the First Five
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: All of the time I spent with and memories made with my Wesleyan sisters.
Degree: A.B. Biology
Advanced Degree: Pharm.D., University of Tennessee
Profession: Oncology Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Methodist Germantown Hospital
Community Service: COVID vaccinations, health fair screenings, medical mission trips to Nicaragua and Kenya, church youth group
Alumnae Activities: Forever First Society; class liaison; reunion class chair; candlelighter; college fairs; Nashville Wesleyan Alumnae Group
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: Homecoming and getting everything ready for our Color Rush themes: Golden Submarine, Golden Buffalo, Golden Heart Street, Golden Oldies.
Degree: A.B. International Business/Economics
Advanced Degree: A.A.S. (associate degree in applied science), Parsons School for Design, NY
Profession: Program Officer at Four Freedoms Fund
Community Service: Board of Directors, NC Counts Coalition
Alumnae Activities: NC Triangle Wesleyan Alumnae Club; class reunions
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: I often think about a fall break trip a group of us took with Dr. Patrick Pritchard to the Appalachian Trail. His love of the outdoors and respect for nature was contagious!
Degree: A.B. Early Childhood/Elementary Ed
Advanced Degree: M.Ed., Georgia College; Ed.S., Education/Behavior Disorders, Georgia State University.
Profession: Retired Elementary Education Teacher (1975-78); special education behavior disorders teacher (1978-79); assistant coordinator Elam Alexander Academy Adolescent Program; NEHS Macon (1979-2005); head softball coach, assistant girls basketball coach, head tennis coach boys and girls, head soccer coach; boys TAPPS Mentor, Elam Alexander Academy (2006-16); adolescent program, Northeast High School, Macon
Community Service: American Red Cross volunteer; taught all first aid classes, water safety instructor; swimming; civil defense volunteer; Freedom Park softball coach
Alumnae Activities: Move-In Day volunteer, class reunion party host, candlelighter, class reunion committees; Alumnae Office volunteer, Macon Wesleyan Alumnae Club; WCAA Board of Managers
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: Way too many to list them all… winning Stunt, hearing the voice majors sing and play the piano in the practice rooms as we walked to class, snow of ‘73, singing and cheering our class songs around the fountain.
Degree: A.B. English/Secondary Certification
Advanced Degree: M.Ed. Educational Leadership
Profession: Military and Veteran Services Coordinator, Georgia Southern University
Community Service: PTO; Keep Bulloch County Students Safe and Well; Georgia Southern Diversity and Inclusion Committee
Alumnae Activities: Wesleyan First Awards at local high schools; Statesboro Area Wesleyan Alumnae Club; nine previous service years on the WCAA Board of Managers; Class reunion “House Party” planning committee; candlelighter
A Favorite Wesleyan: Memory: Getting my SUV bogged down while decorating the gym for Homecoming!
LEESA AKINS FLORA ’87 Brookhaven, GA
Degree: A.B. Business Administration
Advanced Degree: J.D., Walter F. George School of Law, Mercer University
Profession: Attorney (retired)
Community Service: The Junior League of Atlanta; Ronald McDonald House; Atlanta CASA, Inc.; Tuxedo Park Civic Association; Brookhaven Heights Community Association; Peachtree Presbyterian Church
Alumnae Activities: WCAA Board of Managers – former treasurer and alumnae weekend chair; current Wesleyan College Board of Trustees as an alumna trustee (2 terms); Forever First Society; past president, Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: Dorm life with my sisters in Jones - they are still my closest friends to date! Like a never-ending slumber party!
Degree: A.B. Chemistry
Advanced Degree: Ph.D., Physical Chemistry, University of Virginia
Profession: Associate Director for S&T Investment, DEVCOM Army Research Laboratory
Alumnae Activities: D.C. Wesleyan Alumnae Club; Class of 1996 reunion chair; former member, WCAA Board of Managers; current Board of Trustees as an alumna trustee
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: Singing our own versions of popular songs at the top of our lungs!
Degree: A.B. Education
Advanced Degree: M.Ed., Georgia State University (1977)
Profession: Educator
Alumnae Activities: WCAA Board of Managers - admissions representative; vice president for admissions; annual loyalty fund vice-chair; annual loyalty fund chair; nominations committee; vice president for development; current alumna trustee on the Wesleyan College Board of Trustees.
Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club – past president; president-elect; ways and means chair and co-chair; parliamentarian, nominations committee; currently co-treasurer and serving on the executive board as a past president; candlerlighter; Wesleyan First Award presenter; 50th reunion committee; class gift liaison; Forever First Society
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: Family-style dinner with my best friends in the historic and beautiful Anderson Dining Hall. The acoustics were perfect for the singing of the doxology and the desserts were unrivaled.
Degree: A.B. Music
Advanced Degree: M.S., Sports and Fitness Management
Profession: Alumni Affairs Specialist, Collat School of Business, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Community Service: Leadership Macon, Class of 2020/2021; Mulberry Street United Methodist Church: member of Ainsworth Choir, minster of music search committee chair; Junior League of Macon: provisional development chair (2021-2022), provisional development chair-elect (2020-2021), corresponding secretary (2019-2020), sustainer liaison (2017-2019), In-League relations chair (2018-2019), In-League relations committee (2016-2018). Junior League of New Orleans: transfer committee (2015-2016); Junior League of Birmingham: Page-to-Stage chair (2014-2015), Rock-a-Bye Babies committee (2013-2014), provisional (2012-2013)
Alumnae Activities: Member of the WCAA Board of Managers: member-at-large for student relations (2017-2020) and member-at-large for nominations (2020-2022); alumnae admissions rep; E-Link; Candlelighting chair; Alumnae Weekend committee; Class of 2004 Alumnae Weekend planning committee
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: Trips with The Wesleyannes to sing within the state of Georgia and in the Southeastern U.S.
Degree: A.B. Mathematics/Secondary Certification
Advanced Degree: M.Ed., Mathematics Education, Georgia State University; Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction, Mercer University
Profession: Secondary Mathematics Teacher, Monroe County schools
Alumnae Activities: 2002 Reunion Chair; Forever First Society; WCAA member-at-large for student relations
A Favorite Wesleyan Memory: I love my Purple Sisters of 2002! We always pick up right where we left off. From the moment we were singing “Part of Your World” in Persons Parlor during our Scholarship Weekend to the present day, we have embraced each other through it all. It’s impossible to choose one memory, but I’ll never forget our HUGE banner we hung for 4 years straight during Homecoming.
Degree: A.B. Business Administration/Economics
Advanced Degree: Frontline Leadership Certificate; University of Georgia, Carl Vinson Institute of Management; Women Unlimited LEAD Program graduate
Profession: Chief Data Officer, United Way of Greater Atlanta
Community Service: Parent volunteer with McDonough Methodist Academy; various volunteer efforts through United Way
Alumnae Activities: Atlanta Wesleyan Alumnae Club active participant and past president; former Macon Wesleyan Alumnae Club participant; candlelighter; reunion committee support
A Favorite Memory: My favorite memories revolve around the Porter Auditorium. From late night STUNT painting sessions to building sets and rehearsing for various productions, I still walk through its doors feeling like I’m back home. I will never forget the view of campus from the top of Porter Roof, accessed from above the stage. The sights and smells of campus from the unique perch took my breath away and are still vivid in my mind 20 years later!
Degree: A.B. Advertising and Marketing Communication, and English
Advanced Degree: M.F.A., Creative Writing, The New School, Brooklyn, NY
Profession: Freelance Literary Book Scout
Community Service: Creative director for Taint Chupungu Arts Initiative; Big Brothers/Big Sisters; Pen Prison Mentorship Program; BIPOC Book Critic’s Collective
Alumnae Activities: Interim president, Sisters of the First Five; candlelighter; Young Atlanta Alumnae; Class of 2013 Facebook
A Favorite Memory: Any English class with Dr. Matt Martin and streaking around the fountain senior year - don’t know if I can say that, though!
Wesleyan College is privileged to steward many arts and cultural events and share them with the community. Most are free and open to the public. Wesleyan art galleries are open M-F 1-5PM and on Wesleyan Market Saturdays from 10AM-2PM.
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